84 articles on "faith"

Real Estate Bankruptcy

Real Estate Bankruptcy by: Sajjad Ahmad Although real estate bankruptcy cases no longer dominate the bankruptcy courts' dockets as they did in the early nineties, but they continue to be filed with great frequency in UK. At its essence, the...

Business And Finance  business finance bankruptcy real debtor property faith court secured
What Does Faith Have To Do With Marketing?

What Does Faith Have To Do With Marketing? by: Danielle Sanders No, this isn't going to be a sermon or anything … don't worry about that! I'm no preacher, so I wouldn't even think of trying; but what I do have is faith in m...

Online Business  online business faith energy positiveself want
Highest Law...conclusion

Faith Fellowship Church…PO Box 1586…Broken Arrow, OK 74013…918-451-0270… Pastor Terry Dashner…Higher Law seriesLesson Three “Evolution of Inalienable Rights”A conclusion…“The Dawning of a New Day”History is divided into three par...

Government  government calvin faith geneva america church into
The Power of a Praying Parent

The Power of a Praying Parent engages in faith as the starting point and the basis by which other graces of the spirit dwells. A praying parent is there to advice their children on the discipline of the word of God because there is vital necessity f...

Religion  religion faith prayers children praying parent
Encouraging Blossoms of Achievement

Encouraging Blossoms of Achievement by: Steve Brunkhorst The tiny dogwood sapling was only a twig when my mother planted it years ago. At age four, with a red wagon and bucket, I was happy to carry water to anything that grew, even to the full g...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation blossoms faith dogwood when
Salvation of the Professing Christians

The way of salvation that professing Christians, like Born Again Christians, knew is too easy to do. According to them, by just accepting Christ as personal savior is enough for us to be saved on Judgment Day. This pronouncement is backed them up wit...

Religion  religion christ church faith saved body
Judge Not

The first sin of ego is hubris - arrogance. The arrogance of ego is to insist, "I know best." "I know what is right." "I know the answers." "I know the way." "And the world will conform to my will." This all to frequent human failing is illustrated t...

Religion  religion waters story rescue faith
Zimbabwe Religion - the unknown facts

Traditional Zimbabwe Religion has a firm monotheistic faith rooted in the belief in one supreme creator. Today however this faith has been melded into a part Christian and part traditional. This blended faith is followed by at least fifty per cent of...

Religion  religion faith traditional creator ancestors zimbabwe mwari part
Acts of Love

Fernanders earliest experience with Spiritual music were written on his little not pad in crayon. His unique style was refined by his Heavenly Father into a sound personifying prolific, which is contained in Fernanders’ explosive debut album, Acts ...

Family  family fernanders faithful album lord savior jesus christ
A Good Testimony

Jesus Christ laid down His deity to be to become a man for our sakes. He did this not only for the sake of becoming an offering for our sins, and but also that He might live as an example for us. Faith was a characteristic of Jesus' entire human...

Religion  religion jesus faith church nkjv given authority