11,298 articles on "finance"

Easy Motivation Basics

Keeping yourself motivated to succeed is one of the mostimportant yet overlooked aspects of any business, onlinebusinesses included. It can be difficult at times, butsuccess is highly dependent on how much you want it.Of course everyone wants success...

Business And Finance  business finance people work goals
Do Yourself A Favor...

"Do Yourself A Favor..."By Ken Leonard Jr.©2002 KLJ Online"...Pick Up A Full-Featured Website Design Program"Developing websites for selling products online can be muchdifferent from designing the glitzy, effects-driven sitesof today. A website...

Business And Finance  business finance design online will

When was the last time you received great customer service?Last month? Last year? The early 80’s?It seems these days many businesses simply don’t place a highpriority on customer service. It’s evident from the kid at thedrive-thru who thrusts y...

Business And Finance  business finance customer service email question time
Taking Charge Of Your Files

One of the first steps is to box up last years files. However, before you do that be sure to go through your files and clean them out. The files that can take up a lot of space during the year, can be easily tossed. For example, your correspondence f...

Business And Finance  business finance files year file sure
How Do I Start a Home Business

From time to time (at least once a day actually) I'll get an impossible-to-respond-to email that says something like, "How can I work from home?", or "I want to start my own home business. Please send info." or even, "Please send free info.". Na...

Business And Finance  business finance start time
One Thing You Can't Hide

One of the most important of all motivators at work is consideration. Employees report that the best managers they ever had were people who cared about them as people and as friends. These managers took the time to ask them questions about their live...

Business And Finance  business finance people time feel
Dealing with Problem Behaviour in the Workplace

I personally struggle with the term “managing people”, because I firmly believe that people cannot be managed – only processes and systems can. How many times have you heard it said – “Why won’t my employees just do as they are asked?” ...

Business And Finance  business finance problem employee behavior
Short-Term Interest Rates on the Rise Adjustable Rate Mortgage Holders Prepare for Increase in Interest Rates

Interest rates are on the rise and many home owners who have adjustable rate mortgages may see increases in their forthcoming annual adjustments.Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan made it clear in 2004 that the Federal Reserve would be increasi...

Business And Finance  business finance rate interest mortgage rates loan
Back-End Products... The Key To Lasting Profits

Back-End Products... The Key To Lasting Profits by: Dan Brown If you're not trying to sell back-end products to your customers, you're making a big mistake. It is easier to sell to existing customers than it is to sell to new ones who...

Business And Finance  business finance product customers include
Get Debt Free

Get Debt Free by: Terje Brooks Ellingsen If you once have been caught in the debt trap, how do you come out of it and be debt free? We are different and each of us has our own lifestyle and our own financial state, so the way to debt elimination...

Business And Finance  business finance debt plan money different