11,298 articles on "finance"

Startling Facts...

Fact: Start a Business without a Masterplan for Success and You’re 95% Certain to Fail!Fact: Only 5% of People Who Start a Business Make it into Year 6.“95% of small business start ups fail within 5 years. Two-thirds of new employer firms survive...

Business And Finance  business finance start small masterplan yearsout online
5 Tips to Help Massage Therapy Practices Increasing Clients’ Retention

The following tips are for sure very basic techniques. However, when used, they dramatically increase your client retention and attract a brand news clientele. 1.Be visible and be known as the best. Greater exposure instantly gives you greater credib...

Business And Finance  business finance people affordable action greater they
Get The Best Tax Resources Here

Where can a business owner obtain tax information? When youdon't know what questions to ask, it's very helpful to takesome classes, and read a few articles prior to visiting witha CPA. Enjoy these resources:Internal Revenue Service (IRS)The...

Business And Finance  business finance bookkeeping classes monthly class
Waiting for Lightning to Strike

Author and management guru, Peter Drucker says, "People adjust to the levelof demands made on them." I would add, we also adjust to the level we demandof ourselves. At some point we grow up and pass for adults by how we look.To match that look with ...

Business And Finance  business finance writing career writer discipline
Here's The REAL Reason Bush Won The Dark Night Of The Leadership Soul

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publis...

Business And Finance  business finance leadership bubble talks bush faced canned
Moving Money

Moving MoneyBy William Cate[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/][http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]Every Government wants foreign investment. No Government wants their citizens to be the fore...

Business And Finance  business finance middle class country money assets offshore
selling your car for FREE

People are finding out that there is an other site than ebay to sell there car or motor. It is www.52marketplace.comIf you place your car on www.52marketplace.com you can state a fixed price or you can give a starting price to start the bidding. Unli...

Business And Finance  business finance list wwwmarketplacecom people maximum
From A Jack To A King

Not much of an article here but wanted to share a couple of really great ventures that are really not too much out of pocket. At the bottom i've included a free audio just for stopping by!http:/ inyurl.com/34j28http:/ inyurl.com/3fh4thttp:/ inyu...

Business And Finance  business finance audio really inyurlcomonythanks inyurlcomddfree
Don't Discount Offline Business Opportunities

So many people automatically think of Internet businesses first now days. Why? Because they're relatively cheap and quick to set up. What many don't seem to realize though, is that are still some golden opportunities in the offline world to...

Business And Finance  business finance machines vending machine small stores
How to get Free Internet Merchant Accounts

This article may be freely reproduced provided it is unchangedand the resource box at the end is included.How to get Free Internet Merchant AccountsThis article will show small businesses how to get free internetmerchant accounts. If your business i...

Business And Finance  business finance online merchant credit third accept account