11,298 articles on "finance"

Barriers to effective planning

Communication policy essential for the growing SMEThis is a summary of a talk given by Martin Kuhne of Ibis Associates in Bremen to an audience of small business advisors in September 2004.BackgroundOne of the most serious barriers that a growing com...

Business And Finance  business finance communication company enterprise management formal
10 SURE Ways on How to Fight Discouragement

10 Sure Ways to Fight Discouragement Sometimes your actions do not yield the results you want and discouragement kicks in. Getting out of it is about shifting your state of mind and not staying stuck in it. Here are 10 sure ways of eliminating discou...

Business And Finance  business finance minutes things discouraged
Growing Faster Than Your Cash Flow Let Factoring Fund Your Next Expansion!

Growing Faster Than Your Cash Flow?Let Factoring Fund Your Next ExpansionBy Marty MilanWhy wait weeks or months to get paid by your clients when you can access your money in a matter of days by factoring your invoices. When a business factors their i...

Business And Finance  business finance factoring invoices days
Thai women odded business beats the odds

My Thai, Direct Importers celebrates 3 year anniversary milestone. Wilmington, DEMay 1, 2003—My Thai, General Partnership, a Delaware based direct importer which started operations May 1, 2000, offers quality handcrafted products Made-in-Thailand a...

Business And Finance  business finance thai delaware magazine direct news american

Many entrepreneurs fail to succeed because they won’t, or cannot, sweat the details. Although it’s important to see the big picture, it is equally important to get details right. Trouble is; many entrepreneurs view detail work as boring, time-con...

Business And Finance  business finance details entrepreneurs mistakes important getting detail
Opt-In Email Marketers How to Deal With a Growth Pain of Internet Success, the Email Glut

There are certain Internet business problems that have a positive side: They come as a by-product of growth and success.This article can help you cope with a very common growth pain: that of being swamped with email. Some of it junk,some of it helpfu...

Business And Finance  business finance email messages arenapost
The Blame Game!

In talking with people many times, it’s very evident that determinism is deeply imbedded in our present day culture. Too often I notice that people blame circumstances or others for their problems. This past election, I heard people in both politic...

Business And Finance  business finance people life blame time weve
Credit Enhancements Seven Tips For Enhancing Business Credit Transactions

What are the avenues available to businesses with weak credit profiles or to companies pursuing credit transactions that are perceived as too risky by credit providers? Many companies apply for credit at banks, finance companies or equipment leasing ...

Business And Finance  business finance credit enhancements transaction enhancement transactions providers provider
NASD Bid & Ask

NASD Bid & AskBy William CatePublished April 2000[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]Nasdaq and the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) trade on aBid ...

Business And Finance  business finance stock price shareholder share company trading volume
Funding Your Retirement The 401K and 403B Way

Saving for your retirement doesn't have to be a nightmare as long as you are aware of your options. For now, we're focusing on 401K and 403B retirement plans. These two plans are essentially the same except that for-profit companies use 401...

Business And Finance  business finance options portfolio stocks