11,298 articles on "finance"

Creativity Myths

Sustained myths about Creativity and Innovation lead to confusion, bad practice and bad decision-making. Some of them include:1. Creativity requires Creative Types While some theorists assert that there are creativity traits such as tolerance for amb...

Business And Finance  business finance creativity innovation output creative pressure idea other
Management wants faster implementation of new Organizational Strategy. Part II.

Management wants faster implementation of new Organizational Strategy. (Part II.)This week, I will continue the discussion from last week'sPVT, where we discussed four steps to introduce a newstrategy.(http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/pvt...

Business And Finance  business finance reorganization date changeover organizational
The Importance of Employment Contracts

The introduction of new employment legislation in the UK from the beginning of October 2004 has brought employment law issues such as employee contracts and staff dispute resolution to the forefront of many employers' minds.These latest changes ...

Business And Finance  business finance employment issues contracts dispute
How to Build Business Credit Despite Your Personal Credit

Business credit is more of a science than an art. The first rule for this science is that it is not the same as personal credit.Many would-be and aspiring business owners are not aware that establishing credit for a business is just as important as e...

Business And Finance  business finance credit personal start establish
Let Your People Shine

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publi...

Business And Finance  business finance employees bosses will
Diversity No Longer Just Black and White

Diversity in the workplace used to hinge upon the level of responsibility, pay, and respect that one could receive based upon the color of skin and ethnicity. But, these days, diversity in the workplace has become much more than that. Most CEO’s an...

Business And Finance  business finance diversity company diverse different
New Medical Billing Diagnosis Codes Effective 10/1/2004

The new ICD-9 diagnosis codes went into effect on October 1st, 2004. In the past years, we had a three month grace period to use the new and revised codes. This year in 2004, CMS eliminated the grace period. This is very important because it means me...

Business And Finance  business finance diagnosis medical billing period codes coding
Getting Motivated to Get Organized

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keepsyou going." Jim RohnWhen I get calls from prospective clients who say they wantto get organized, I often ask, "What's motivating you to getorganized at this time, and what will be possible...

Business And Finance  business finance organized kelly time problem
10 Tips to Beat Shoplifters

Studies have shown that, in the United States, as many asone in twelve customers is a shoplifter, and thatshoplifters commit an average of 50 thefts before beingcaught. That's if they are caught at all; it's estimatedthat only 10-15% are ap...

Business And Finance  business finance shoplifters store merchandise
Why just double your money

Our Program Benefactors You in the Hottest Programs On The Net. We also buy your positions to many other outstanding income producing sites, TOTALLY FR'EE of charge. The more shares you buy or reinvest with us, the more positions you get to thes...

Business And Finance  business finance programs positions program network worldwide