11,298 articles on "finance"

Moldy Homes are a Great Investment

"Moldy Homes are a Great Investment"(c) Dr GW GrahamHave you seen this in your classifieds? -"Will pay $$$ for moldy homes. Call 555-555-5555"All you have to do is watch the news and you know about mold problems. We hear about Ed McMahan suing becaus...

Business And Finance  business finance mold house moldy
What is a Commercial Mortgage

A commercial mortgage or commercial remortgage is a business loan which is secured against a commercial property. Commercial mortgages are often used to buy business premises, such as offices, shops, restaurants, or pubs. But they can also be used to...

Business And Finance  business finance commercial mortgage money buying mortgages
Passive Income from Booklets and Special Reports

"Booklets." "Special reports." These words sound pretty insignificant, don't they? But the results you achieve with these little collections of useful information can be anything but small and limited.They don't cost much energy or money to...

Business And Finance  business finance donapost booklets special reports information
Don't Start a relationship with the wrong person!

How to appoint an agent. Agency selection is critical and affects development of your whole export effort.The challenge is to appoint an agent who knows the export market and has influence with the key buying personnel in the appropriate sectors and,...

Business And Finance  business finance agreement ireland agency article trade
Demographic Trend You Need to Know About

There is a demographic trend of which HR personnel, management, business owners, and CEOs need to be aware. According to demographic trends analyst, Cheryl Russell, by the year 2005, the most common household in the US will be single-person household...

Business And Finance  business finance unmarried emotional adults single alone
Debt Collecting @ & A - Issue 6

DEBT COLLECTING Q & A – Issue #6 By Jim Finucan© Tiare Publications Group385 wordsQ) Jim: How can I be sure that I’ve gotten to the heart of the problem when I suspect the debtor is being insincere, or even dishonest?A) Use a technique calle...

Business And Finance  business finance problem doesnt debtor like

By BoxBy: Capt.Savas UskentATP/CFI Boeings 737/800, B737/400-500,Airbus310/300-200,BAe146/100-70, Challenger 601-3A,LR-60, LR-55, LR-35, Caravelle SE210http://www.geocities.com/uskent/index.htmlemailto:uskent@yahoo.comThe following article may freely...

Business And Finance  business finance aviation flight projected management personnel
Financial Strategies For The New Millenium

OUR FINANCIAL PHILOSOPHYAs professionals in the field of finance, we offer a wide variety of services to individuals and businesses throughout the Canada and the US.We understand the financial goals of today. Our philosophy is to maximize investment ...

Business And Finance  business finance financial investment philosophy available intelligent
Shopping Tips 3

++++++ Shopping Tips: 1. Some people spend up to $8,000 for a stereo system. The music that it can produce is very high in fidelity. However, it will not be ten times better than a system that costs one-tenth that. Rule of thumb- above $1,000 the ret...

Business And Finance  business finance burglar offers ratings fire resistant system
How to Set Up Easy, Efficient Bookkeeping

Copyright 2004 by http://www.organicgreens.us and Loring Windblad. This article may be freely copied and used on other web sites only if it is copied complete with all links and text intact and unchanged except for minor improvements such as misspel...

Business And Finance  business finance homebased owner begin