11,298 articles on "finance"

Are You Maintaining Your Documentation Correctly?

Documentation is a critical aspect of any organization. It facilitates communication, helps managers and employees to stay on the same page, and offers a means of measurement to gauge performance and success. Documentation can range from a simple che...

Business And Finance  business finance maintenance documentation errors writing changes many
Why Would Any Company Pay a Finder's Fee?"

Why Would Any Company Pay a Finder's Fee?" by: Tevita Rasaku There are over 240,000,000 people in this country and millions of businesses (small, medium & large). Can any business know of ALL of the sources of supply, potential buyers, or ...

Business And Finance  business finance finder finderaposs contacts fees client
How Merchant Accounts Can Save You Money

How Merchant Accounts Can Save You Money by: Josh Greth We all know that accepting credit cards is the key to online sales. Unfortunately, most merchants are unaware that acquiring a merchant account can actually save them money. And in many cas...

Business And Finance  business finance merchant account party third bill fees processing
Are Employees Costing Your Company a Small Fortune

Are Employees Costing Your Company a Small Fortune?When it comes to telecom costs, many companies in America are being ripped off right under their noses. The culprit? Employees."Company workers can knowingly and inadvertently cost a company a small...

Business And Finance  business finance company telecom employee abuses calls features
The EU and the WTO

The EU is one of the key players in the World Trade Organisation (WTO). This is because the EU has a common trade policy, where the European Commission negotiates on behalf of the Union 's 25 Member States.As such, the EU is one of the driving f...

Business And Finance  business finance trade policy commission european member committee states negotiations
The Key to High Productivity is Energy Management

Have you ever noticed that some days you can breeze through your to-do list, while other days the smallest task seems insurmountable? You may attribute these differences to motivation or willpower, but the real key to being consistently productive is...

Business And Finance  business finance energy productive highly time management
Increase Your Buying Power With Capital Gains Reinvestment

Investing in the stock market is a great way to build wealth over time. One strategy that can help you increase your buying power and maximize your investment returns is capital gains reinvestment. By reinvesting your capital gains, you can take adva...

Business And Finance  business finance property real exchange capital sale estate gains
Use these 130 plain-English agreements

In today's world, where contracts and agreements are often filled with jargon and legalese, it can be a challenge for most people to truly understand what they're signing up for. This is why "Plain-English agreements" have become increasingly popular...

Business And Finance  business finance agreement assignment lease legal sale letter marketing
Are Homeowners Due A Refund

Homeowners across the United States who finance their property with a mortgage may be eligible for a refund due to a recent legal settlement in a class-action lawsuit. The settlement covers instances where mortgage lenders charged homeowners excessiv...

Business And Finance  business finance mortgage auditing errors auditor refunds find
Can you create a company or department to fulfill your purpose

Have you ever thought about creating a company or department that would align with your purpose? Many people dream of starting their own business or organization that would allow them to make a significant impact on the world. But is it possible to f...

Business And Finance  business finance purpose tactics goals strategy would