11,298 articles on "finance"

Sony Buys Contol of MLK Movie

No one has said that Sony knew their purchase of Acuff-Rose Music would put them in the drivers seat of the powerful story of Gary Revel's investigation of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. but neither have they denied it. In 1977 Gary...

Business And Finance  business finance gary sony story garyaposs song
Radical Success!

Most successful businesses began with someone's passionate mission: to share new information, produce a better product, provide a new understanding, and contribute to the culture. A successful business remains successful because it stays true to...

Business And Finance  business finance mission true successful about
Website Manifestation - 7 Steps to a Successful Site

Website Manifestation - 7 Steps to a Successful SiteJason OConnorcopyright 2004If you are in business for yourself, an executive with decision making power, or the head of your company, you are probably bombarded with advice, opinions and information...

Business And Finance  business finance design youll step
What About your Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property on and off the Internet is a growing field and you need to keep up with the legalities. Here are 10 things you need to know:1. Check with your attorney, because it’s confusing. Even being a certified paralegal, I find intellec...

Business And Finance  business finance copyright registration youll
Greasing the Path to Success Finding the Confidence to Step Up to Key Moments

Whether it’s making a prospecting call to a promising business contact, giving an informal “elevator speech” to a networking group, or attempting to close a transaction, there are certain key moments when putting your best-dressed foot forward ...

Business And Finance  business finance confidence muscles
DELEGATING EFFECTIVELY. Getting The Job Done Right Without Doing It Yourself

DELEGATING EFFECTIVELYGetting The Job Done Right Without Doing It YourselfIf you are in a position of authority on your job, or even if you're a parent, chances are you need to delegate tasks to others around you. If you are too vague when you d...

Business And Finance  business finance flowers time event specific
How to Avoid Nasty Business Surprises

Conducting business in the 21st century often requires quick decisions. This often leads to sound data being replaced by perception as the basis for making important resolutions. The risks in this approach are clear: business decisions made without a...

Business And Finance  business finance analysis perception
Stimulate Creativity and Learning

What does cultivating creativity add to the workplace andyour business? The benefits are huge but are oftenunderestimated by most people. Companies who wish toprogress quickly and stay ahead need to stimulatecreativity and learning among their employ...

Business And Finance  business finance creativity employees ideas company management
Leverage Your Time Now!

In over 2,000 Time Management seminars, which I haveconducted for more than 100,000 people from around the globe during the last 20years, I have shown people how to get more done in less time, withless stress; to help them have more time for the thin...

Business And Finance  business finance time reading hour
Simply Awful Training Tips

It's been reported that the most common human fear involvespublic speaking. In the business world, the day will comewhen most of us will be called upon to give a trainingpresentation. The result is a flock butterflies the size ofpigeons in the p...

Business And Finance  business finance presentation remember know