11,298 articles on "finance"

10 Days to Making More Money

10 Days to Making More Money by: Lori Giovannoni Most of us overcomplicate things. Selling is pretty simple. True we need systems in place, support materials and a contact manager, but when all is said and done what stops us from selling is usua...

Business And Finance  business finance success days intention sales working selling
If One Does Not Do Any Planning, One Is Planning To Fail

If One Does Not Do Any Planning, One Is Planning To Fail by: The International Business Foundation MARKETING STRATEGIES An enterprise may adopt different marketing strategies dependent on the size and position of the business in its industry. Th...

Business And Finance  business finance attack market competitors competition
Student Credit Cards

Student Credit Cards by: Phil Edwards With graduate debt averaging over £12,000, the ability to spread the cost of further education using a student credit card is obviously attractive. Adding to their appeal is the fact that these cards a...

Business And Finance  business finance credit cards students regular history card student
Dialogue: The Four Dialogic Principles For Successful Communication

Dialogue: The Four Dialogic Principles For Successful Communication by: Lee Hopkins "But you don't understand!" exclaimed the manager, "this new initiative is vital for our team. If it doesn't work we could all be out of a job!" "Uh-hu...

Business And Finance  business finance communication understand
More Uses for Your Business Plan

More Uses for Your Business Plan by: Gerry McRae You have invested a lot of time and energy on writing a business plan just to get a loan or to attract an investor. What do you do when you get the money or, worse, should you be turned down? Do y...

Business And Finance  business finance data time plan investment
Customer Service - A Lost Art?

Customer Service - A Lost Art? by: Craig Binkley Is customer service a lost art? Before you answer that question, take a moment and think about the last few times you have gone shopping or out to dinner. Okay, now that you have really thought ab...

Business And Finance  business finance customer service always
Why PR is a Vital Force

Why PR is a Vital Force by: Robert A. KellyBecause it can alter individual perception and lead to changed behaviors. Something of profound importance to businesses, non-profits and associations who can sink or swim on how well they employ this c...

Business And Finance  business finance perception audience will
PR: Focus on What Matters!

PR: Focus on What Matters! by: Robert A. KellySure, as a manager, you have a talented member of the PR team assigned to your department, division or subsidiary, or housed at your agency, and s/he is darn good at placing product and service plugs...

Business And Finance  business finance perception relations public people
The Shrinking Ad Dollar

The Shrinking Ad Dollar by: Rebecca Game CPR CPA CTR... what does it all mean? What it means is dollars "out" of your pocket instead of "in" to your pocket. Advertising dollars are gaining in value, meaning the regular advertiser now gets MORE f...

Business And Finance  business finance advertising space only
Information Products: A Business Owner's Best Friend

Information Products: A Business Owner's Best Friend by: Jennifer Tribe We live in a post-industrial age where information is the coin of the realm. Knowledge is the most valuable asset that a business owns. For most businesses, that knowle...

Business And Finance  business finance time money knowledge something