11,298 articles on "finance"

Putting Your Expert Team Together

As a freelance writer myself, I know how important it is tohave, and keep track of, experts to interview. Here are afew ideas on the topic:I always emphasize to clients and seminar participants howimportant it is to start and maintain a "Team 100" li...

Business And Finance  business finance list experts
What is an Investor Ready Business Plan

A Business Plan, as all good entrepreneurs starting out in life should know is the foundation, or rather a springboard, towards the establishment and growth of a new business. A business plan is an essential tool for companies raising capital – and...

Business And Finance  business finance plan investors customers product
The Many Ways To Profit From O.P.P.'s Multiple Cash Streams

In a previous article we introduced you to the concept of O.P.P., or Other People's Property.In that article we asked you what you would do if you found a business that:could generate multiple streams of incomewould work in any area of the count...

Business And Finance  business finance purchasing money property lease
Look Past the Bottom Line for a Property's Investment Potential

Look Past the Bottom Line for a Property’s PotentialIt’s unfortunate that many real estate investors tend to look at the bottom line when deliberating about a property, rather than the big picture. The real moneymakers in real estate investments ...

Business And Finance  business finance property area investors will
The Value of Privacy Policy Statements

The single most important concern among Web users (besides avoiding the onslaught of SPAM) is maintaining the privacy of their personal information. As unsurprising as this is, most websites have not addressed this issue by implementing privacy polic...

Business And Finance  business finance privacy policy users will
Turn Your Difficult Business Conversations into Productive Problem-Solving

How many times do you walk away from aconversation wondering whether you’ve gotten yourpoint across, been understood, resolved the issueor reached an agreement that will result in theoutcomes you want and. through the conversation,enriched the rela...

Business And Finance  business finance difficult conversation listening high
The Essential Contractor

The Essential Contractor By Brian L. PruittThe Essential Contractor is defined as one who is reliable and honest, completing his job when promised at a fair and reasonable predetermined price and without question standing behind his workmanship. Ther...

Business And Finance  business finance contractor essential contractors will
How Do You Put a Value on Your Time

As a small business owner, does the following paragraph sound familiar to you…?“Other than doing the technical ‘fix-its’ with my computer…I do it all! I have found that this keeps me very limited in growing my business and taking on new cli...

Business And Finance  business finance time revenue hours
It's A Numbers Game

Three years ago, Paul left his corporate job to launch hisfreelance writing career, and he’s done relatively well. He hasa group of regular clients that keep him going, and they arehappy with his work.When he first called me, he expressed concern o...

Business And Finance  business finance prospecting prospects client
A Billionaires Guide To Getting Rich

A Billionaires Guide To Getting Richby John ColanziThe sage Zenrin once said "If you wish to know the road up the mountain, ask the person who goes back and forth on it."Sound advice, but are you following it?If you're like most people, probably...

Business And Finance  business finance listen advice street smart mountain