11,298 articles on "finance"

The Typology of Financial Scandals

Tulipmania - this is the name coined for the first pyramid investment scheme in history.In 1634, tulip bulbs were traded in a special exchange in Amsterdam. People used these bulbs as means of exchange and value store. They traded them and speculated...

Business And Finance  business finance financial money pyramid investors
Outsource it to a PEO.. And watch your business profits skyrocket!

Outsource It to a PEO! And watch your small business profits skyrocket.Entrepreneurs know that starting and running a successful business is hard work. They also know that growing a small business is like a marathon - long, time-consuming and gruelin...

Business And Finance  business finance peos small owners service
Transitioning portable careers for global military families

Mention virtual business or portable careers in the military community and typically you think of the military spouse, veteran, or military retiree jump-starting their own business - - keeping in touch with clients, colleagues or a combination of bot...

Business And Finance  business finance virtual clients military youllself
Credit Card is adding the silver lining to your pocket

In the new millennium plastic money or credit cards has rendered a new zing factor to your pocket. This has not only made you economically more flexible but subsequently added glamour to your financial image as well. No more bulging out hip pockets ...

Business And Finance  business finance credit card cards average million
It's not to Late To Get a Great Mortgage Rate

Despite recent increases mortgage rates are still very competitive. Weather you’re considering to refinance or to purchase a home it is still possible to get loans still in the upper 5% range. Rates like this are still making it possible for people...

Business And Finance  business finance rates cash advantage purchase
Homeownership Is Still Possible With A Flawed Credit History

Besides lack of a down payment, bad credit is one of the biggest obstacles to homeownership. However, just because you have blemishes on your credit doesn't mean that it has to be a dream deferred. It just means that you need to go into the home...

Business And Finance  business finance credit loan history interest
Credit Report Disaster Through Mistaken Identity

I've got some very important info I want you to think very seriously about. I'm sure by now you've heard of Identity Theft,...heck you may have even been affected by it. I know many of my friends have.But how about what may potentially...

Business And Finance  business finance credit loan iaposve identity someone
Mortgage for those twilight years

Tracing back, the concept of reverse mortgages began when one good soul, Nelson Haynes of Deering Savings and Loans wanted to help out the widow of his high school football coach. Today that small act has developed into a popular financing option for...

Business And Finance  business finance mortgage reverse loan httpwwwmortgagefitcomreverse
Small Ways to Save Big Bucks Right Now!

Here are a few simple ideas that sound small, but willreally help you save big bucks with a minimum of effort.1. Bring your lunch instead of eating out. If you spend $5.00 every day on your lunch and you brown bag it only 3 days a week, you will save...

Business And Finance  business finance donapost store savings soft workaposs

Here's some good FREE stuff for youfrom Joan with love. :)1. If you have a Scout who will soon be an Eagle, you can have a congratulatory letter sent from the President. Send name and address and the reason to: The Greeting Office, The White Hou...

Business And Finance  business finance free-visit send halloween