11,298 articles on "finance"

Your Stock Support Budget

Your Stock Support BudgetBy William CatePublished November 1999[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]It costs money to create share buying. Every public com...

Business And Finance  business finance share price stock company dollar public costs
Focus On Your Target Market To Achieve Home Business Success

To achieve success in a home based business it is of critical importance to maintain a laser beam focus on your target market and to direct your marketing activities to that specific group. Website traffic is one thing, but targeted traffic is everyt...

Business And Finance  business finance links traffic targeted highly search
Free There’s No Such Thing As A “Free Lunch” Anymore

Copyright 2004 by http://www.organicgreens.us and Loring Windblad. This article may be freely copied and used on other web sites only if it is copied complete with all links and text intact and unchanged except for minor improvements such as misspel...

Business And Finance  business finance internet copied based
Stop TRYING to SELL and Start TRYING to HELP! Part II

In part I of this article series, I uncovered a fatal flaw that many new networkers have in their business building mindset. It is the thought of trying to sell your products or opportunity to people, instead of helping and teaching them about your p...

Business And Finance  business finance tools company people opportunity
Help Me! I'm Craving Human Interaction!

Since I left the corporate world last year and started working from home full-time, I've found that the human contact one gains by going to "work" every day is something that's good for the soul.Sure, there's nothing quite as rewarding...

Business And Finance  business finance little work youaposll
The Worlds Greatest Employer

It's often been said. "Gosh darn I hate my job." making ends meet in a civilized society can still be a prim evil task. People on the most part are always looking for solutions to make their lives a little easier and less complex. Where do you ...

Business And Finance  business finance life never
Ten Top Tips about Committing to Your Niche

Among the crucial questions of life, one of great import may just be “what is my niche?” Should you want to answer that question, what path do you follow? Where are “niches” for sale? The word “niche” comes from the French and means “do...

Business And Finance  business finance niche whereself from
What Should I Sell on my Site

"What Should I Sell on my Site?"Far too many people make the mistake of trying to sell only products that they like on their web sites.Others make the mistake of trying to sell only the coolest and flashiest things they can find.The whole point of st...

Business And Finance  business finance products search stores product
The Doctor's Words Hung in the Air...No Flying!

The Doctor's words hung in the air creating suddenly a turbulent shocking ride in my life. Wow, those two little words may not sound devastating to you but to someone who earns their living flying airplanes, it's an awesome blow. Just imagi...

Business And Finance  business finance longer life
Creating Wonderful Displays for Your Handcrafts

Signing up for my first craft show, fulfilled my long time dream of creating something that would be marketable and enjoyedby others. My goal to build a display that would not only enhancemy work, but would cause a customer to stop, look & purchase, ...

Business And Finance  business finance display thinking