11,298 articles on "finance"

Balancing PLay and wORK Leveraging Time, Part 2

In this article we suggest some ways to "work smarter",or achieve more by multi-tasking - multiplying ourproductive time so we have more time to PLAY!For example, we may choose to drive the car, listen tomusic or an audio book, or talk on our hands-f...

Business And Finance  business finance time driving listen
There Is No Time Like The Present

We are living in "The Greatest Entrepreneurial Boom In History." We are surrounded by opportunities, but most people don't recognize them. For example, there are far more opportunities in direct marketing and internet marketing today, especially...

Business And Finance  business finance opportunities ever
Staying Organized in These Chaotic Times

In the Terry Gilliam Film, BRAZIL, there is a fantasy sequencewhere Robert De Niro is enveloped by a swirling cloud of papersand memos. Some days, as I look around my office, I know exactlyhow he felt!In this age of information, it is really easy to ...

Business And Finance  business finance folders
7 Questions to Ask During a Job Interview

A good employee is one of your company's greatest assets. A poor employee is a liability.Poor employees are unsuited for the position they fill. They might lack the skills needed to do the work. Or, their work habits and personalities are incomp...

Business And Finance  business finance workplace work applicant
Ten Things You Should Know About Medical Savings Accounts

Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) are promoted as the salvation of small businesses in desperate need of affordable health insurance plans. Forbes called MSAs "Super-IRAs" and Business Week wrote "almost too good to be true". Kiplinger’s Personal Fin...

Business And Finance  business finance medical health insurance msas account plan plans

I want 10 million visitors to my site a day! A common desire, but not a common event. Banner ads don’t work and neither does Internet advertising! A common statement these days, but is it true?Multimillion-dollar Web sites go out of business on alm...

Business And Finance  business finance internet campaign time results testing
Can I Really Make Money At Home Filling In Online Surveys

It’s true, this is a very viable approach to many stay at home moms, and dads, college students, retirees, and you name it. No one really believed you could actually earn a monthly income just from getting involved with survey companies and focus g...

Business And Finance  business finance companies surveys survey these
Debt Relief Using Your Current Income

Debt is a hard thing to live with, but we all have it and deal with it everyday. Sometimes it is manageable, sometimes you feel like you can barely keep your head above water and unfortunately many times you feel like you are drowning in it!Is there ...

Business And Finance  business finance debt total balance monthly payoff
Short on Cash Get a Mortgage with a Buy Down

A buy down is an alternative financing technique where you make significantly lower payments for the first few years of the loan, and make up the difference with larger payments in the later years of the loan. The initial payments might be interest ...

Business And Finance  business finance loan rate payments interest monthly make
SYI Save your Identity

The warning signs can start innocently enough that you don't even recognize them as being warning signs of impending doom. Perhaps it's a letter from your credit card company about a credit application. It might be a call from your bank inq...

Business And Finance  business finance credit theft report identity