11,298 articles on "finance"

Walking on coals of fire. Three ways for business owners and others to overcome their lack of belief in themselves

Why do so many of us lack belief in ourselves? Why do we doubt whether we can succeed in working for ourselves? How can we solve this problem and start discovering the huge power that belief in ourselves brings? Millions of people do not believe in ...

Business And Finance  business finance belief walk anyway
The Isolated Leader Extraverted and Introverted Styles

When an executive moves up the hierarchal ladder in theorganization, the promotion is often accompanied by anincreasing sense of isolation and loneliness. Goleman,Boyatzis and McKee coined the phrase “CEO disease” todescribe the isolation of top ...

Business And Finance  business finance people leaders often
The 10 Cash Flow Rules You Can't Afford to Ignore

The statistics on small business failure are alarming.Michael Gerber, author of "The E-Myth: Why Most SmallBusinesses Don't Work and What To Do About It", says that40% of businesses fail in their first year. 80% fail withintheir first five years...

Business And Finance  business finance cash balance flow from
Hologram to Protect Your Business

Dear Sir,Hologram is the only cost effective product that cannot be duplicated by any conventional printing, copying, or photo-reproductive process. All stickers are customized and cut to make each product order unique. We utilize pre-mastered, tampe...

Business And Finance  business finance hologram product products security stickers
Sound Like Your Situation

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net word count is 630 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © ...

Business And Finance  business finance public relations target perceptions message
What Is A Virtual Assistant & Why Do You Need One

Virtual Assistants (also known as VAs) are home-based entrepreneurs who take pride in providing fellow small business professionals with a wide range of office tasks, from administrative support to web design & maintenance. VAs are able to provide pr...

Business And Finance  business finance tasks time when
Managing a Responsible Pay-Per-Click Campaign

OVERVIEWWhat is PPC?Pay-Per-Click is a paid form of advertising, popularized mostly by the "search engine" GoTo (now called Overture). The concept is fairly simple. Businesses bid to be placed at or near the top of the search results for particular k...

Business And Finance  business finance search keyword engine visitor campaign results
Getting Your Name Right

Getting Your Name RightBy Andy RoutledgeIt’s true. Creating a good name for your business or products is crucial to long term success. In general, names should be short, easy to say and spell and the name should ‘stick’ in the minds ofthe consu...

Business And Finance  business finance name names convey
Why Should I Buy Your Book How to Turn 'Lookie Loos' into Take-out-the-Credit Card-Buyers

Why Should I Buy Your Book? How to Turn 'Lookie Loos' into "Take-out-the-Credit Card-Buyers"Judy Cullins© 2001You say your book has lists, how-tos, easy-to-read recipes? 124 pages? Do these features give your potential buyer enough of ...

Business And Finance  business finance book benefits features write buyer
Make A Lasting Impression With Interview Etiquette

MAKE A LASTING IMPRESSION WITH INTERVIEW ETIQUETTE Laura Murraymepatwork.com(Des Moines, Iowa - February 2, 2005) Behaving appropriately during every course of an interview is just one way to increase your success with finding a job. Here are some ti...

Business And Finance  business finance interview interviewer dress time before