11,298 articles on "finance"

Are Cell Phones Reliable

Cell phones have become an essential part of our daily lives. From business communication to personal conversations, and even for entertainment purposes, these devices are ubiquitous. However, a common question that arises is whether cell phones are ...

Business And Finance  business finance messages sending email protocols carriers communication time
Retirement and Leisure Living: Historic New Kent County Virginia

Retirement and Leisure Living: Historic New Kent County Virginia by: Elaine VonCannon Imagine New Kent County, Virginia, a quiet rural area located between Richmond and Williamsburg Virginia, as a place for retirement… New Kent County’s rur...

Business And Finance  business finance kent county virginia area colonial acres home
The New Paradigm for Entrepreneurial Success

The New Paradigm for Entrepreneurial Success by: Burak Fenercioglu Entrepreneurship is a great magnet to deliver new ideas, unique approaches and innovative technologies. When conducted in a proper way, turning people into entrepreneurs improves...

Business And Finance  business finance entrepreneurs entrepreneurship market
Keeping Your Sales Team Motivated

Keeping Your Sales Team Motivated by: Frank J. Rumbauskas, Jr. Sales managers frequently approach me for advice on how to keep salespeople motivated, especially when sales reps get into a rut - and seem to keep slipping deeper into it. Telling m...

Business And Finance  business finance salespeople managers funnel keep
The Recruiting Truth...Time Is Not On Your Side

The Recruiting Truth...Time Is Not On Your Side by: Mike Magnotta In today's marketplace things are constantly changing and so are the needs of just about each and every organization. Whether your company is growing organically or inorganic...

Business And Finance  business finance process think time days organization attract
Change and Performance - Training May Not Be The Answer

Change and Performance - Training May Not Be The Answer by: Howard Sommerfeld Introducing new products or services, bringing new people on board, developing a new process or procedure, installing new equipment, change seems to be the one constan...

Business And Finance  business finance performance system training results desired human outputs
How to Analyze the Veracity of Investment Newsletter

How to Analyze the Veracity of Investment Newsletter by: John McKeon When trying to analyze whether a promotional ad for an investment newsletter or a market timing investment trading system is worthy of investigation, the following questions sh...

Business And Finance  business finance track time record trading real because
SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis by: Chris Mallon If you’ve ever listened to Warren Buffett talk about investing, you’ve heard him mention the idea of a company’s moat. The moat is a simple way of describing a company’s competitive advantage. A strong comp...

Business And Finance  business finance company companys threats opportunities
The Blessings of the Black Economy

Blessings of the Black Economy by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Some call it the "unofficial" or "informal" economy, others call it the "grey economy" but the old name fits it best: the "black economy". In the USA "black" means "profitable, healthy" and th...

Business And Finance  business finance economy customs black from
PRONTO ERP Selected by OTI as Standard for Clients

OTI, Optimization Technology Inc., located in Mississauga Canada, has been developing and implementing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems since 1984. The Canadian VARs (Value Added Reseller) customer base appreciates the features built into t...

Business And Finance  business finance pronto system integrated distribution legacy features north