11,298 articles on "finance"

How to Get a Mortgage if you're Self-Employed

A self-employed person is someone who runs their own business and works for themselves without an employer. Directors of small limited companies, although technically employed on a PAYE basis, will generally be classed as self employed when it comes...

Business And Finance  business finance employed mortgage income people
Deducting your combined biz/vacation travel

Time with family is precious. That's why more and more business travelers are adding on vacation to their trips and inviting family to join them. Sometimes it's easy to mix business and pleasure - especially with the trend toward booking bu...

Business And Finance  business finance days deduct trip hotel expenses
How Much Do You Spend

How Much Do You Spend?By Terry RiggMost of us don't have a clue how much money we spend and whatwe spend it on. We spend it until it's gone and hopefully wecan find some more to spend.The conventional wisdom is that, if you want to know the...

Business And Finance  business finance money expenses will
IRS Free File Is Not A Free-For-All

Looking for a way to reduce the cost of income taxpreparation this year? Then you came to the right place maybe!The IRS has launched a new program this year it's called"Free File", and it enables you to prepare and e-file yourpersonal income ta...

Business And Finance  business finance file income software program certain
Federal Student Loan Consolidation The Other ReFi Boom

You've heard about refinancing in the mortgage market. Who hasn't? Interest rates are at all-time lows. Folks have refinanced two and three times in as many years to save thousands of dollars in interest they would have otherwise paid. Ther...

Business And Finance  business finance loan interest loans consolidation repayment student payments

Until recently leasing companies wouldn't even think about financingtransactions that included so-called "soft costs" such as custom software.Financing for hard collateral equipment were the only programs available.Now however, leasing companies...

Business And Finance  business finance companies software financing businesses company
Debt Reduction Services Ease the Stress of Out-of-Control Debt

With so many tempting credit offers on the market these days, and with irresponsibly aggressive marketing techniques being used by many finance providers, an increasing number of people are finding themselves overwhelmed by personal debt. Convenient,...

Business And Finance  business finance debt credit clients creditors interest
Real Estate Values or Just Bad Habits

There are several small businesses that retain hundred-year-old traditions, Hand-dipping chocolates, fresh flowers on every table in a restaurant,or mints and roses on a guest's pillow at a B&B. Loyal customers come to expect these little perks...

Business And Finance  business finance agents come
Your Home OfficeBig Fish, Small Pond

Does the Internet have you feeling like a small fish in a big pond? Do you have a great product or service that's being lost within the information overload of the World Wide Web?If so, don't forget your often most-fertile marketing territo...

Business And Finance  business finance internet book marketing pond product
The Headless Newbie - don't burn that credit card

Copyright © 2004 Marc HowlettAre you a headless newbie?I know I was when twelve month ago when I started looking intosetting up an online business. Whichever way I turned peoplewere willing to offer me advice, e-books, freebies, newsletters,amaz...

Business And Finance  business finance time started credit money