11,298 articles on "finance"

Things All Borrowers MUST know about Payday Loans

Many of us have been there; desperate for cash due tounexpected expenses or simply low on cash. Your nextpaycheck is two weeks away, but your Electric Bill is duenow. Sounds familiar? It may be easier than you think to get themoney you need, when you...

Business And Finance  business finance payday loans money
Managing Monsters in Meetings - Part 1, General Strategies for Unproductive Behavior

It happens easily. You're conducting a meeting and suddenly a small side meeting starts. Then someone introduces an unrelated issue. Someone else ridicules the new issue. Everyone laughs, except the person who mentioned the idea. Then someone in...

Business And Finance  business finance meeting behavior meetings
How To Get the Best Home Equity Loan

Are you wondering how to get the best Home Equity loan? Do not be afraid to shop around. If you decide that the timing's right for a home equity loan, ask your friends or family for recommendations of lenders. Comparing home equity loan plans wi...

Business And Finance  business finance loan lenders equity fees lender
Rekindling Passion for Work

Passion comes in many forms. I’m focused on the version of passion that is “boundless enthusiasm”. Looking up enthusiasm in the dictionary, I learned it is derived from the Greek root entheos, which means inspired by god. Hmmm, boundless inspi...

Business And Finance  business finance passion fire fuel tinder kindling
Bad Credit First Time Buyer You Can Still Get Approved For A Home Mortgage Loan

Do you have bad credit that you worry will stop you from being able to apply for a home mortgage loan? Have you given up on the dream of being a home owner? Well don’t. Take comfort in the fact that there are special home mortgage loans that you ca...

Business And Finance  business finance credit mortgage loan lenders
Credit Card Entrapment- The Secrets are out

Have you ever wondered why your credit card bill is so high and you can't seem to pay off the balance? Well you are not alone in this. You should be aware of a couple of trick that they use and you probably don't even pay attention to it, b...

Business And Finance  business finance credit card cash advance
How Identity Theft Occurs

Identity theft occurs in a variety of ways for example; in the course of a busy day, you may write a cheque at the grocery shop, charge theatre tickets, rent a car, post your tax returns, change service providers for your cell phone, or apply for a c...

Business And Finance  business finance credit card name identity account
Taking the Time to Find the Best UK Loans

Taking the Time to Find the Best UK Loans by: John Mussi When looking for UK loans, it's always important to take your time so that you can compare loan rates and terms from a variety of lenders. Depending upon the type of UK loans that you...

Business And Finance  business finance loans credit loan lenders interest make
How to Easily Accelerate Your Profits

How to Easily Accelerate Your Profits  by: Lorraine Pirihi Hi I’m always amazed at how disorganised most businesses are. The huge amount of opportunities that fall by the wayside due to poor management. Let me tell you what happened to me rec...

Business And Finance  business finance people john
A Brief Look at Homeowner Loans

A Brief Look at Homeowner Loans by: John Mussi Homeowner loans are useful ways to get the things that you need… a loan based on the value of your house, yours to use in whichever way that you need it most. Unlike some financing loans which can...

Business And Finance  business finance loans loan homeowner equity