11,298 articles on "finance"

How To Get A Pay Raise From Your Web Site

How many of the visitors to your web site take the action you want them to take? Whether you want them to buy something from you, sign up for your newsletter, enter your sweepstakes, or give you contact information to follow up on, you want them to ...

Business And Finance  business finance conversion take
What is Mystery Shopping and Can You Really Get Paid to Shop

Mystery shoppers visit businesses “disguised as normal customers,” and do the things other customers do—ask questions, make a purchase, make a return—but with a twist. These undercover customers are there to evaluate the businesses and their ...

Business And Finance  business finance mystery shoppers customers service employees
Update your computer system with bad credit computer financing

The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But...

Business And Finance  business finance credit computer financing loan
Market Your Business through Newsletters

Most business people on the web subscribe to at least one newsletter, if not more, that focus on different aspects and markets they are interested in. Because of this, it is important for your company to also have a newsletter that provides viable, r...

Business And Finance  business finance newsletter people subscribers
Use of IT in the Retail Industry

Retail industry is one of the most prominent business categories in the modern world. It is spread all over the world, and has a history that is almost as long as human nature. The definition for Retail is ‘Sale of goods in small quantities to the ...

Business And Finance  business finance retail system industry systems
Mortgage Loan Information - Know The Basics When You Refinance or Purchase a Home

If you are currently looking for a new home, chances are that in all the excitement you won’t really give any thought to the type of home loan mortgage you take out, instead going with the first one offered to you. This could be a serious mistake ...

Business And Finance  business finance rate loan mortgage fixed loans interest
Credit Repair Scam - How To Avoid Being A Statistic

Credit repair scam - How to avoid being a statistic?A good credit history is critically important for the consumer. A bad credit will prevent you from getting a business loan, owning a home, or even a job. Promises to "fix" your credit are always mad...

Business And Finance  business finance credit report file profit
Summer Sanity for Moms Juggling a Home-Based Career

by Lesley Spencer, MSc; Founder & President HBWM.com Inc.The relaxed pace of summer is peeking just around the corner. And it isdefinitely welcome to many of us, but the challenge and sometime stressful moments of balancing motherhood and work is not...

Business And Finance  business finance work summer time many
Home Loans and Mortgages – Time to Consolidate Loans?

Home Loans and Mortgages – Time to Consolidate Loans? by: Charlie Essmeier Home equity loans and lines of credit are useful tools for homeowners. They allow the homeowner to borrow against the value of his or her home for all kinds of purposes...

Business And Finance  business finance loan equity rate loans mortgage interest
7 Simple Ways To Organize Your Daily Life While Running A Home Business

7 Simple Ways To Organize Your Daily Life While Running A Home Business by: Brenda Hoffman As a home business owner, it is rather easy to become overwhelmed with your daily life and responsibilities. Here are 7 simple ways in which you can organ...

Business And Finance  business finance life daily these