11,298 articles on "finance"

Managers A Key to Your Survival

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 1160 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 200...

Business And Finance  business finance perception relations
Reveal the Leader Within

A Leader is not a certain type of person or position of power. It is not the one at the top of the golf leader board at any specific time or the person at the top of an organisation. It is YOU. In this article we want to show you how to reveal the le...

Business And Finance  business finance leader passion
The War against Spam goes on

Turns out the biggest problem in fighting the war againstspam hasbeen the giant battle lines drawn between all theparticipants. For the most part, marketers,email broadcast firms, ISPs, and filter program firmsrarely speak to each other. We all heard...

Business And Finance  business finance spam mail email they
Downsizing in Organisations..... The Real Truth

I've met and worked with many people in all sectors of the business world and found that the majority of managers and team leaders are spending too much of their time on basic administrative tasks. Tasks for which they have had no training in. I...

Business And Finance  business finance people time tasks
Women Are You Selling Yourself Short Pricing for a Healthy Business

A few years ago, Vlasic Pickles teamed up with Walmart to sell a gallon of pickles for the unheard of price of $2.97. They sold over 240,000 gallons of pickles a week. Vlasic loved the sales numbers, only to discover that profits were shrinking by 25...

Business And Finance  business finance service value product
Knowledge is Power ... So, keep your mouth closed to keep it from getting away!

Did you ever wonder why it sometimes seems that communications is lacking within an organization or corporate culture? It is one of those frustrating situations that appear to put a halt to positive productivity. You meander around trying to gather h...

Business And Finance  business finance manager they
Recessions Don't Last Forever!

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net word count is 715 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © ...

Business And Finance  business finance public relations must
The Feasibility Study and You A Dynamic Duo

You have a great new business idea. You've asked your friendsand family for feedback and they gave you thumbs up approval.You've asked your existing customers if they'd have use forsuch a product or service and they've indicated t...

Business And Finance  business finance feasibility service product study
Why Researching Your Market Can Pay Big Dividends

Over the years I have seen a lot of companies waste a lot of money on market research. In many cases they commissioned the research simply because they had allocated a budget for it. In some cases they didn't even know why they were doing the re...

Business And Finance  business finance research example they
A Perfect Work at Home Job!

A Perfect Work From Home Job!If you're tired of looking for an honest, legitimatework at home job, to only find one scam after another, youcan stop looking. you have just found the M.O.M. Team (MothersOn a Mission). You can stay at home with you...

Business And Finance  business finance looking work team