11,298 articles on "finance"

Perspective is Everything

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!"AnonymousA living legend turned 100 in May. He's W. Clement Stone, founder of Combined Insurance Company (which is now a part of Aon Corp.) and author of one of the best-selling motivational books of a...

Business And Finance  business finance stone company time idea
Temptations, White Lies, Sales and Seeing Eye Dogs

A man went into the local Big and Tall Man's store several times looking for a job. Finally, on his seventh visit, the store's owner told him, "I will tell you what. I have this suit here on the shelf that has been here for years. I cannot ...

Business And Finance  business finance suit customer
The Shadowy World of International Finance

Strange, penumbral, characters roam the boardrooms of banks in the countries in transition. Some of them pop apparently from nowhere, others are very well connected and equipped with the most excellent introductions. They all peddle financial transac...

Business And Finance  business finance financial bank cash
Do You Shout - Even When You Are Silent

There is a language that we all speak, but few areconscious of: the language of our bodies.When we are talking to others - either face-to-face, orfrom the front of the room, our posture, gestures, eyemovements and general demeanor communicate far mor...

Business And Finance  business finance room hands people audience
10 Ways to Kick Start Your Cash Flow

Is your cash flowing out faster than it's flowing in?This can happen for a number of reasons and can be asign that your business is growing at a faster speedthan you are ready to handle. Perhaps your bestcustomer has given you a $100,000 order ...

Business And Finance  business finance equipment cash credit
Unemployment Blues Take Back Control

One of the most emotionally crippling aspects of unemployment is the sense of powerlessness it engenders. Job layoff triggers financial pressures, emotional distress, family turmoil, and dashed career hopes. It is forced on us by unrelenting fate, a...

Business And Finance  business finance time control work when
Unemployment Blues Getting Active

Unemployment is depressing: financial pressures stress you out, looking for work is humiliating, and your fragile self-confidence reels under the blows of indifference and rejection.It becomes harder to get up in the morning, to take care of yoursel...

Business And Finance  business financeself time
From Debt to Financial Freedom

The vast majority of working people are in debt. The vast majority of people who are now in debt are always struggling to find better jobs with higher pay checks. As strange as it may sound the more you think about it the more you will come to realis...

Business And Finance  business finance debt money visa
Mortgage Cycling – Brilliant or Risky

With mortgage rates hovering around 20-year lows, competition in the mortgage industry is fierce. It seems like every day a new mortgage loan strategy comes out that is suppose to be the best thing since sliced bread. Whether it's a mortgage wit...

Business And Finance  business finance mortgage cycling credit most
Affiliate MarketingPromoting your own web presents

Promoting your own web presentsAffiliate Marketing is the promotion of anothers products or services.If this process is done right,it's the ideal work at home business opportunity.The key here is to promote your own website that links to affili...

Business And Finance  business finance affiliate aposbrandapos website