11,298 articles on "finance"

Top 10 Super Job Interview Tips

Use these interview tips for job hunting success! It’s a tough job market out there today. And getting the job you want requires more than just a killer resume. In other words, you can’t just sell yourself on paper. You’ve also got to be able t...

Business And Finance  business finance interview tips interviewer good
Strengths of K-Professional

With the advent of the K- economy in globalisation making waves,corporations must now prepare their human capital to be K-professionals in the competitive environment. K- professionalsare not only just IT savvy alone. For individuals to beinnovative ...

Business And Finance  business finance knowledge professionals professional achieve thinking
Coaching Skills for Peers Extending Influence

Many people think of coaching solely as a management technique. Although coaching skills provide managers with the means to get business results while creating solid relationships, the value of coaching in other arenas is often overlooked. Utilizing ...

Business And Finance  business finance coaching peer team skills areas members
The Truth About Negative Commands (Don't Read This!)

As humans, we are often instructed to follow positive commands such as “eat your vegetables” or “exercise regularly.” However, we are also given negative commands such as “don’t touch that” or “stop being lazy.” It is believed that ...

Business And Finance  business finance blank donapost there
Digital Printing Press An Update

The digital printing press has undergone significant updates in recent years, revolutionizing the printing industry and allowing for more efficient and cost-effective production of printed materials. With advancements in technology, the digital print...

Business And Finance  business finance printing digital color press variable imaging production cost
Five How to be a Better Speaker Articles

As an Artificial Intelligence language model, it is my task to analyze and review articles about public speaking to help you become a better speaker. After researching and analyzing five articles on public speaking, I have come up with tips and strat...

Business And Finance  business finance article speech autoresponder time schriftcom five
European Union, Is it really open and competitive markets inside and outside

Introduction: The European Union (EU) stands as an exemplary model for regional integration, promoting open markets and economic cooperation among its member states. The EU's objective is to create a single market with free movement of goods, serv...

Business And Finance  business finance reforms budgetary structural indicator points april implementation
Culinary Professionals and Food Scientists

Culinary professionals and food scientists play a crucial role in the development and innovation of the food industry. While both professions share a passion for food, they differ significantly in their training, knowledge, and responsibilities. In t...

Business And Finance  business finance food culinary professionals materials consider
Home Loans and Mortgages – Watch Out for Dangerous Subprime Loans

Mortgages and home loans are a crucial part of the homebuying process. The right type of loan can ensure that you get the home of your dreams, while the wrong one can lead to financial ruin. In the wake of the subprime mortgage crisis in the early 20...

Business And Finance  business finance subprime interest credit lenders higher loans
Publicity Performance Not Enough?

Publicity Performance Not Enough? by: Robert A. Kelly Even after a nice piece in a national publication, or a stint on a popular talk show, do you still have a feeling that your public relations dollar could be better spent? As a business, non-...

Business And Finance  business finance perception behaviors relations will