11,298 articles on "finance"

Frank Sinatra Didn't Move Pianos

Yesterday, I got a little lesson: Make space in life for living. I was running behind schedule, not an unusual event. I dashed into a gift shop, glanced quickly around and soon spotted what seemed like the perfect gift for a friend handed it to the c...

Business And Finance  business finance life time living
Six Management Tips for Trying Economic Times Part 1

(Part 1 of a three part series, today's tips 1 - 3) If you are like most managers I know, you are constantly being asked to do more work with less resources. And the same is true for your employees. This combined with layoffs, financial struggle...

Business And Finance  business finance employees time them
The Customer Is King

I'm sure you've all heard the expression, "the customer is king". Some companies live by this rule - and those tend to do very well. Others say the words but, well, they're just words. These companies do not do as well. And other compa...

Business And Finance  business finance companies customers they
The Local Business Owner and Web-based Marketing. What are they waiting for

Way back in the 1990’s, (your remember) during the spectacular growth and hype of the Internet, one group in particular learned to doubt they needed the Internet as a new marketing tool - the local business owner. While many simply ignored it as a ...

Business And Finance  business finance local marketing will
Professional Net Worth

I was going through my files and found an article written by JimCathcart and published in the October 1986 issue of The Toastmaster (putout by the organization which I recommend highly to anyone wanting toincrease their skills in speaking, writing, l...

Business And Finance  business finance people skills also
Focus On Soft Skills A Leadership Wake-up Call

By Carole Nicolaides, Copyright © 2002, All Rights Reservedhttp://www.progressiveleadership.com The rules for succeeding in business are changing daily. Yet people are still asking for the magic formula that contributes to a successful organizat...

Business And Finance  business finance skills people soft them
Writing Effective Business Emails

Permission is granted to reproduce this article provided the bio line is included.Perhaps the key to effective and appreciated business email is consideration. I asked a number of colleagues and clients what they would like other people to know about...

Business And Finance  business finance email donapost youaposre people they
Do Some Yard Work To Improve Customer Service!

Yes, yard work. What I mean is that you may have to do some weeding in your garden of employees to improvecustomer service. Imagine that you are pulling weeds out of your flower garden so that your flowers don't become choked off. Huh? "Just go ...

Business And Finance  business finance employee employees person
Do You Have A Written Business Plan

Do you have a written business plan?Are you following your plan? You are the operation manager of your business, how do youoperate without a plan?Your business plan is the road map to success, without ityou're on the blind side. Its akin to driv...

Business And Finance  business finance plan market niche will
Un-Retirement Successfully Returning to The World

For many years, you looked forward to that day when you would bid the world of work a fond farewell and ride off into the sunset of your golden years.Initially, it felt wonderful not to have to go somewhere each morning. Days, weeks, months of leisur...

Business And Finance  business finance work income time