11,298 articles on "finance"

An Insider’s List Of 10 Things You Should Ask Before Buying Software

From a former insider’s view these items are a must before making the decision to purchase any off-the-shelf software for your business. -Brett Johnson1.What determines the software price? Is it PerSeat or PerUser or Per Processor? The cost of soft...

Business And Finance  business finance software will
What Has The New Year Got For You

What Has The New Year Got For You ?Do you make new years resolutions?If you do … do you stick to them?At work – and for your life in general – it is a good thing fromtime to time to take stock of where you are and of what you haveachieved, and ...

Business And Finance  business finance year goals time from
It's all about the customers, baby

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. Please print the article in its entirety unchanged and notify the author by email when you use it~~IT'S ALL ABOUT THE C...

Business And Finance  business finance customers provide think
How to Sell Even When the Price is Not Right

How to Sell Even When the Price is Not RightBy Jenny Bosworthhttp://www.internetwriters.comDo you ever wonder how you are going to make your product or service sell when you don't offer the lowest price? Because people always go for the lowest p...

Business And Finance  business finance product friend
How to Save Up to 70% on Health Insurance Premiums

Are you tired of paying too much for health insurance premiums? Only 5 or 6 years ago health insurance seemed very affordable with fantastic coverage to match. Well, if you’re an individual or family who pays for health insurance today chances are ...

Business And Finance  business finance insurance health plan need
A Business Without An Online Presence Is Missing Out On A Goldmine Of Potential Customers

Marketing on the Internet is not really a choice anymore, but has almost become a necessity in today's marketplace. No company can afford to ignore the fact that online marketing is now a multi-billion-dollar business. Those businesses without a...

Business And Finance  business finance internet marketing time businesses
How to Host a Fun & Productive Staff Retreat

Holding staff retreats that are well planned & done regularly can provide tremendous benefits to you & your team. Just a few of these benefits include: Team members who feel appreciated. A great sense of team unity & commitment to the common goal. Le...

Business And Finance  business finance team time want
Seven Surefire Strategies To Recession-Proof Your Business

"We are about to witness the deepest depression since the 1930's," reported Martin Weiss, Ph.D. for The Daily Reckoning. Pessimistic as Weiss may seem, the facts lend credence to his statement. Since the tragedy of September 11,more than 415,000...

Business And Finance  business finance clients marketing will
What College Taught Me About Teamwork Training

I declared a Communications Major two years into school, after discovering that it was a subject in which I had sincere interest. Now that I have graduated from college, I look back at the myriad of group projects and interactions that I had with the...

Business And Finance  business finance team group unification many
SBA Loans Qualifying and Applying Part 1 of 2

In this first segment of this two-part article we will discuss some of the general requirements and application procedures involved in acquiring an SBA loan.According to federal government research, small businesses provide about 75% of the net new ...

Business And Finance  business finance loan small also