52 articles on "font"

Proper Font Selection

Proper Font Selection by: Maricon Williams In times when you are writing a message in your computer, have you ever asked yourself the following questions: How will I convey my message with the use of my fonts? Do I need several colors? Am I goin...

Computers And Internet  computers internet fonts font point readers just
18 Resume Presentation Tips

1. Do print your resume and covering letter- simply not everyone's writing is a joy to read. Make sure that the recruiter will at the very least attempt to read your application. 2. Only use a laser or bubble jet printer to make copies. Never us...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation font paper point resumes application best
Fonts For Your Web Site

In order to make your web pages look good across all platforms and browsers,you must standardize your font selection. You must also limit the fonts thatyou use to those that probably will be installed on most of your targetsystems. The reason for thi...

Web Development  development fonts font installed system
Anxious for Autumn

P22 Stanyan Autumn, as discussed in its website, is a set of three fonts based upon a casual hand lettering text created by Anthony Goldschmidt for the deluxe 1969 edition of the book"...and autumn came" by Rod McKuen. The casual hand lettering style...

Computers And Internet  computers internet autumn mckuen hand font kegler various
Is Harry Belafonte A Naive Mouthpiece For The Far Left?

In my opinion, Harry Belafonte, is a mouthpiece for the far left, however, he is not naive. I think the he was a very talented entertainer who misses the limelight and is just trying to garner publicity and notice. I don't think he cares what he...

Government  government belafonte publicity people think bush american greatest
How User Friendly Is Your Site

Is an Over-Complicated Site Costing You Sales?Clarity Is Everything. How "User Friendly" Is Your Site?In general, we designers will often find ourselves preaching aboutkeeping things simple when it comes to our design... but is thatall there is to it...

Web Development  development font hierarchy
Design Myths

Design Myths by: Florie Lyn Masarate It is said that in designing, there are certain rules that these designers have to know. These rules were designed to be followed but not necessarily at all times. Sometimes the need arises for them to break ...

Web Development  development fonts font serif printing most
Right Ways Of Making A Web Design

In web development, the design of the website is considered a very important element for its success. One reason why it became important is because the design of the website is what build's a website's credibility as well as its trustworthi...

Web Development  development websites design font colors visitors
CSS Print Media Tutorial

The power of print + CSSSo you've made yourself a cutting edge web page. What next ? Well maybe you want your visitors to be able to print pages in a certain style. Heavy graphical content can be removed, background colour changed and navigation...

Web Development  development print font style screen look
It's More Than Just the Writing

I carry the torch of good writing: make no mistake about that. But there is another critical piece to conveying messages successfully in today's hurry-up, fast-paced, techno-world. That piece is the design of your documents. No, you don't...

Writing  writing design fonts garamond