22 articles on "gluten"

Is the Current Treatment For Celiac Disease Good Enough?

As of now there is no known medicine yet for the treatment of celiac disease. The only remedy for the problem is the modification of one's diet so there is no gluten content of the food that he eats, since the malady is caused by the small intes...

Health  health disease diet celiac gluten been
A Shopper Thrives On-Line

A Shopper Thrives On-Line by: Paul G. Colligan The Internet SHOULD be “the place to shop” for low-carb dieters, diabetics, celiacs, and anyone else on a special diet. The posted prices are well below those in retail stores, the variety is gr...

Food And Drink  food drink shipping order cost items gluten charge
Cook Gluten-Free Food to Combat Celiac Disease

Celiac disease, a digestive disorder in patients because of gluten in food items that have this like wheat, barley and rye, forces patients to take food alternatives that are gluten-free for their sustenance. The need for carbohydrates of celiac dise...

Health  health gluten celiac disease food ingredients
What Is The Truth About Celiac Disease?

People with celiac disease do not know much about it, so that until now the ailment remains unknown to the majority of people. What is only certain is that the malady is set off by foods with the protein called gluten. No treatment for the problem ex...

Health  health disease gluten celiac people food
Fighting The Big Fight Against Celiac Disease - It Could Take A Lifetime If Only You Know How

Fighting celiac disease could take a lifetime as it is an intestinal disorder with no known medicine yet for a person to take if he is suffering from this problem. The disease is triggered by the ingestion of gluten that causes a reaction in one&apos...

Health  health disease celiac diet problem food gluten
Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease by: Andy Casasanta Celiac Disease is a digestive disorder found in patients who are genetically susceptible, with the resulting damage to the small intestine by an interference with the absorption of nutrients. The main culprit wi...

Health  health gluten small intestine might
Weight Gain, Cravings, & Genetics

Jay Leno expressed on the Tonight Show that as he interviewed people he realized that most of them had weight loss as their New Year’s resolution. Weight is indeed a major concern in the United States. Overweight robs us of energy and encourages di...

Health  health weight food foods gluten vegetables
Acquiring Gluten Free Chocolate

Buying gluten free should not be serious. Celiac disease doesn't have to toss an individual forever from adoring delicious delicacies, in particular that most delightful of all type of candy, which is chocolate. Don't give up that creamy, d...

Food And Drink  food drink chocolate gluten cocoa
Enzymes and A Gluten-Free Diet

This compilation of information is Copyright 2005 by http://www.organicgreens.us and Loring Windblad. The references for this series of articles is the author’s personal knowledge and experience, the book “Enzymes for Autism and other Nurologica...

Health  health diet gluten enzymes product
Sugar Addiction Weight Gain, Cravings and Genetics

Jay Leno expressed on the Tonight Show that as he interviewed people he realized that most of them had weight loss as their New Year’s resolution. Weight is indeed a major concern in the United States. Being overweight robs us of energy and encoura...

Health  health weight foods gluten food some