883 articles on "government"

Lito Atienza Pushes To Improve The City's Program For Housing

Former Manila mayor Lito Atienza has vowed to continue his commitment in serving his beloved city and dearest Manilenos. The former mayor of Manila will be joining the Manila elections to continue what he has done for the city and its residents after...

Government  government atienza manila mayor city residents education
CommonSenseGovernment.com: The Conservative Vision

The Republican Party is in a crisis right now. It is not due to the Democrats taking over control of Congress. It has to do with losing the vision of conservatism. If anything, Republicans lost Congress because they have lost the vision of politica...

Government  government conservative vision conservatism republican from
How Well Would The American Political Class Have Handled The Chilean MIner Crisis?

The rescuing of the 33 Chilean miners, who had been trapped thousands of feet underground for the past two months or so, was certainly the feel good story of the year so far. Kudos to the miners, their families, and everyone involved in this dramatic...

Government  government miners contingency spill rescue
The Twists Of Micronations

Micronations are more often than not expressions of political protest, artistic expression, theoretical experimentation, personal entertainment, or the result of criminal activity. Some micronations issue passports, postage stamps, coins and medals a...

Government  government formed founded established located australia independent protest created
Thoughts on the Current Immigration Mess - August 2006

1. 12 million illegal immigrants did not appear overnight. Actions by Congress - or the lack of action - created the environment for illegal immigration to exist. 2. The main drive behind legal immigration is family reunification, a holdover from WW...

Government  government immigration congress illegal employers give time
Your local town trustees keep watch on them

As residents in small towns, we depend on our local town trustees to oversee the day-to-day management of the town, make sound decisions, and maintain an open line of communication with residents. It is vital to keep a close watch on our town trustee...

Government  government board boards village citizens
3 Reasons to Abolish the Income Tax

It may seem to be impossible now, the income tax was once declared to be unconstitutional and had to be repealed, way back in the 19th century. Of course, it came back in the form of the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and now it is so compl...

Government  government income money harm savings investment expansion
Start a New Economic Engine

Is the prosperity motor idling, anticipating some double clutching to shift back into gear, or have the pistons seized requiring us to undertake a massive overhaul of our economic engine? On the one hand the markets are rallying, companies are earni...

Government  government engine percent economic prosperity motor americans
Incompetence at BP, the Media, and the Feds

The BP deep sea drilling adventure in the Gulf of Mexico began years ago. But on April 20, 2010 something happened. The consequences of incompetent and reckless risk assessments caused the greatest environmental disaster the civilized world has ever ...

Government  government administration congress while
George Bush Is This One Truth Away From Total Popularity In America

The President of the United States is one truth away from 99% popularity in the United States of America. Right now he is like a hockey player standing in front of an open net in a tie game with the clock winding down refusing to shoot the puck into ...

Government  government testament koran truth world people states western