44 articles on "grants"

What You Should Know About Scholarships

Scholarships are financial aids that are offered to students to help them pay for their education. They can range from small amounts to cover the cost of textbooks to full-tuition scholarships that cover the entire cost of college. Scholarships can c...

Parenting  parenting scholarships scholarship financial college grants some
Bush and Kerry Differ on Immigration Policies

Bush and Kerry Differ on Immigration Policies by: Victor Motak Up until the final debate at Arizona State University, the issue of immigration had not been much discussed. Both presidential candidates know very well that illegal immigration is a...

Legal  legal immigration immigrants kerry border illegal which
Indian immigrants Prefer Southern Australia

Sound figures of Indian population migrate to several popular immigration destination of the world. Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and USA are the top among the list of preferred immigration destinations by Indian immigrants. Indian immigrants ma...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure indian australia immigration part migrants preferred figure
When We Help Immigrants, We Help Ourselves

And some of the benefits are immediate! Almost all of us who are not immigrants, are descended from immigrants. The United States was built by immigrants and it will always be a country of immigrants. When we think of Chinese, Italians, Germans, Eng...

Government  government immigrants people picture americans came
Solving the Immigration Problem: Dropping Both Entitlements and Xenophobia

For some reason, the mainstream media has been pushing "immigration" as a problem in search of a solution. Why this "smoke and mirrors" issue is being pushed so hard, in light of MORE sweeping legislation being passed by the 111th Congress like the D...

Government  government immigration immigrants solution social welfare foreign here
When We Help Immigrants, We Help Ourselves

The inflow of immigrants has always been witnessed in developed countries. Mainly immigrants come from underdeveloped countries to developed countries for a better lifestyle, higher wages, and peace. Governments worldwide are trying to make their pol...

Government  government immigrants people picture americans came
Money for College – Where Is It and How Do I Get It?

Money for college can feel like an elusive dream. It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by the daunting costs of tuition, housing, and textbooks. But the truth is, there is money available to help you pay for college – you just need to know where to ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens scholarships grants available federal financial about
When Marriage Is Not Enough: Facing Deportation Because of Your Spouse

When Marriage Is Not Enough: Facing Deportation Because of Your Spouse by: Heather L. Poole Under U.S. immigration law, immigrants may obtain a green card ("U.S. permanent residence”) by marrying a U.S. citizen. The U.S. citizen must, however ...

Legal  legal immigrant visa immigrants immigration status permanent
Bush and Kerry Differ on Immigration Policies

Over the years, immigration has always been a hot topic in American politics. It is a topic that evokes strong emotions among Americans and has been widely debated by politicians in numerous elections. The 2004 United States presidential election was...

Legal  legal immigration immigrants kerry border illegal which
Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

Digital Natives, Digital ImmigrantsBy Marc Prensky © 2004 Marc PrenskyPerhaps the least understood and least appreciated notion among those who design and deliver education today is the fact that our students have changed radically. A really big...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation digital immigrants natives students