176 articles on "great"

The Greatest College Courses of Today

I have 5 degrees. Yes, you read it right. It certainly makes me feel very educated but not wiser or richer than the next high school dropout. I know of many people who did very badly in school and still have the greatest common sense and/or great wea...

College Articles  college articles think courses great
DesignSmarts The Real Scoop on Site Design and Effective Affiliate Links

What exactly is this affiliate program stuff?Companies/organizations need surfers to visit their sites.One way they can drive traffic to their site is to createan affiliate program.As an affiliate, you promote advertisers' Web sites on your site...

Online Business  online business affiliate links great
Freelance Copywriting Advice #1 Take the Scary Jobs

From time to time you will be faced with an opportunity that looks downright scary.The temptation is to think, "Hey, that's way outside my level of expertise. I'm not ready for that."My advice to you is this: Do it.When you are faced with o...

Writing  writing marketing time great
How To Write Eye-Grabbing Headlines That Catapult Your Prospects Into Your Ads

If you're interested in improving the selling results of your ads, tweaking your headlines is a great place to start. Because your headlines influence the sales results of your ad more than any other element.A great ad with the wrong headline c...

Writing  writing headline headlines great
Husband's Cheating Put Family at Risk

The discovery of your husband's cheating will put a sharp and hot knife through your heart, and the pain can be devastating. Yet this is not all. His affair will put your whole family at great peril, particularly if you have some children. Suc...

Relationships  relationships greatself forgive pain
Using Internet Marketing E-books Helps With Business Issues

Using an Internet marketing e-book when starting a new home-based business will give you helpful hints and clues to start your business on a firm foundation. E-books, short for electronic books, are books on either one subject or a collection of diff...

Online Business  online business books internet marketing book great
Get Angry And Then Get Results

Get Angry And Then Get Results by: Brent Filson Leadership is not about winning a popularity contest, it's about getting great results. To do so, leaders must challenge people not to do what they want to do but what they don't want to ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation right people results great
How to Help Your Adolescent Child

Being a teen today means you face many a problem. And being the parent of a teen is equally challenging. Both parent and child need all the help they can get in order to do well at school, and possibly college, and to develop a loving and respectful ...

Parenting  parenting teen child great
The Power of Small

The Power of Small by: Rick Beneteau Routinely, I rise out of bed before the birds, and watch the sunlight flood my office every morning. See, I love this time of day! But what I don't love is being rudely rousted out of a deep sleep before...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation great
Breaking The Chains!

Breaking The Chains! by: Jason Gober Ways for Independent Businesses To Compete With Corporate America Everyday, customers and business owners are bombarded with billboards, logos, print and electronic ads from huge corporations. With annual ad ...

Marketing  marketing business independent businesses great