37 articles on "hearing"

Resolve To Keep Your Hearing Healthy For 2005

Resolve To Keep Your Hearing Healthy For 2005 by: Max Stein With a New Year upon us, the annual tradition of forming resolutions of self-improvement is definitely in season. While many articles about New Year’s resolutions focus on things like...

Health  health hearing year resolve
Help for Stressed-Out Moms Turning to Alcohol

We are hearing more and more about alcohol abuse and women. There seems to be a growing trend in the 30 to 40-something year old moms that fall into one of two categories: 1)Alcohol abusers that are dealing with the stress of trying to maintain a c...

Parenting  parenting moms alcohol hearing
Baby Monitors: Improving The Lives Of Deaf Parents Every Day

Most parents will take their baby's crying in the night for granted. The situation is very different for any deaf parent out there. When you as a concerned new parent are not able to hear you baby it can be a very frustrating situation. What mak...

Parenting  parenting baby parents monitor hearing when
How to Choose a Hearing Aid

Hearing aids and hearing devices may not make your hearing perfect. But, they can make a big difference in your life by helping you to hear better. First thing to know is that there is a law that requires all caregivers to do a hearing exam on you w...

Health  health hearing aids into
It's Important To Get Your Hearing Checked

Hearing loss creeps up before you know it. Because you can hardly test the average person's ability to hear all the random environmental noises they are exposed to consistently or accurately, it's very difficult to gauge the extent of heari...

Health  health hearing loss noise noises ability
Don't Just Run Out And Buy Any Hearing Aid

Hearing or the lack of, leads to negative consequences in most social situations, and there are consequences to those situations. If you are hearing-impaired, you know exactly what I am referring to. Perhaps it is that missed smoke alarm that other r...

Health  health hearing audiologist will
The Magic of Hearing

The Magic of Hearing by: Angie Dixon I’m working on a coach training certification, and one of the “proficiencies” I’m expected to have mastered is “engages in provocative conversations.” Now, that really got me thinking. What’s a ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation hearing client think