21 articles on "implant"

What Is Endometriosis And What Are Endometriosis Stages?

What Is Endometriosis And What Are Endometriosis Stages? by: Olinda Rola What is endometriosis and what are the endometriosis stages? These are frequent questions since nearly 7 million women in their twenties to forties in the USA alone are aff...

Health  health endometriosis women implants stages levels
Bleeding During Early Pregnancy - How Normal Is Vaginal Bleeding During Pregnancy?

Bleeding is a common occurrence during pregnancy even though most people do not know this fact. Also, contrary to popular belief, vaginal bleeding does not always indicate that there is a complication with your pregnancy. Nevertheless, consulting you...

Women  women bleeding pregnancy usually kind implantation
Understanding Your Breasts Making an Informed Decision About Breast Implants

A woman's breast is a gland that produces milk in late pregnancy and after childbirth. Each breast is made of lobes which are groups of milk glands called lobules. Lobules are arranged around thin tubes called ducts which carry the milk to the n...

Women  women breast implants risks implant filled
Breast Augmentation Questions

Is It Possible For Breast Implants to Look Natural? Yes, you have many options when it comes to breast augmentation, and you can choose a natural look. The type and placement of implants that you choose, as well as the implant size relative to your ...

Women  women breast augmentation implants incision
Modern Techniques of Breast Enhancement

Modern Techniques of Breast Enhancement by: David Chandler Breast is a symbol of femininity and sexuality. In case you feel you are disproportionate, there is nothing to worry. Breast enhancement can reinstall your glowing appearance and your se...

Women  women breast incision implant muscle under
Breast Implants-8 Tips You Must Know To Do Well

Breast Implants8 Tips You Must Know To Do Well by: Rashme Wong Nowaways, for hundreds of thousands of women a year, a breast augmentation can help boost self confidence, reconstruct breasts damaged by surgery or tumor removal, and correct asymme...

Women  women breast implants implant silicone surgery will
Cheek Implants Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is becoming an increasingly popular trend, with cheek implants being one of the favoured elective procedures among Hollywood celebrities. While the procedure is usually performed without any complications, there are times in which mi...

Health  health cheek surgery implants implant medical avoid
Which Should You Choose Implants Or A Bridge?

That last flag foot ball game left you with several missing teeth. You have already decided to get them replaced. The question now is implants or bridge? Consider a few facts, before making your decision. Dental implants can be an excellent way to go...

Health  health bridge implants implant teeth dental
How to Avoid Needing Dental Implants

Dental implants are an effective way dentists can restore missing teeth or teeth that are loose. The way the implants work is by implanting a titanium root into the gum and allowing it time to fuse with the bone in the mouth as if it were totally nat...

Health  health teeth implants tooth avoid because
What To Consider Before Having A Breast Augmentation

When it comes to breast augmentation is bigger better? Notnecessarily. It really depends on your frame size, youroverall general health and your motivation for getting theprocedure done in the first place.If you have a small body frame getting implan...

Health  health breast implants