184 articles on "injury"

Important Information On Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyers

A Wisconsin personal injury lawyer is an individual whose job is to provide legal representation to people who have suffered psychological or physical injuries as a result of negligence by another party or entity in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin personal ...

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File A Case With Your Personal Injury Attorney

You are not an exemption when the accident strikes your way. I mean that it will happen all the time even in your most unexpected settings. Accidents may happen in your car or while you are in your daily work. I know that you don't want this to ...

Legal  legal injury attorney accident case personal
Personal Injury Lawyers Become More In-Demand

Who would want to be involved in a personal injury case? No one! Not me, either. But, what if it happens? After all, it’s inevitable. Are you ready to face this “big” battle of yours and get the right compensation claim you deserve? I believe, ...

Legal  legal injury personal writing lawyer
How To Avoid Injury Compensation Claim Dilemmas

How To Avoid Injury Compensation Claim Dilemmas by: Mumtaz Shah Amazing isn't it when a salesperson gets you to sign some documents and briefly explains what it entails. Only to discover at the end of an injury compensation claim that it wa...

Legal  legal claim compensation injury money they
The Power of Ice

The Power of Ice by: Louise RoachUsing ice to treat injuries is one of the oldest methods of pain control. Proven to be safe and effective at reducing swelling, relieving pain and decreasing muscle spasms, ice therapy is an easy self-care techni...

Health  health heat injury blood packs object
How to File a Claim for Celebrex Injury

There is mounting evidence to suggest that Celebrex (aka celecoxib) is linked to an increased risk of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. Celebrex is one of the newer anti arthritic drugs called COX-2 inhibitors that were launched in the 1990s, a...

Legal  legal celebrex heart injury stroke risk
Work Traumatic Brain Injury: Attorney Advice On Getting Vital Treatment

Too often injured workers don't receive necessary medical treatment. Often, it is difficult for workers to obtain proper treatment when their injuries are open and obvious. It is even more difficult to receive proper and adequate treatment for b...

Legal  legal treatment workers brain mtbi injury proper problems tbiaposs
Understanding Injury Attorneys

Understanding Injury Attorneys  by: Jeff Lakie Do you ever wonder if the injury attorneys you see on television and billboards across the country are actually the people you speak to when you call the number posted? Most people would assume the ...

Legal  legal injury attorneys lawsuit attorney
Addressing The Cause And Finding A Cure: Why Cause is Everything When It Comes To Low Back Pain

Addressing The Cause And Finding A Cure: Why Cause is Everything When It Comes To Low Back Pain by: Steve Preston There is an epidemic, at least in the States when it comes to treating back pain. Most doctors do just that... treat back pain rath...

Health  health pain lifting extra injury weight
Accident Claims & Pursuit of Justice

Accident Claims & Pursuit of Justice by: Wensley McKenney Many victims of Personal Injury have accident claim’s which can be pursued in civil court to recover monetary damages caused by the negligent acts of another. Unfortunately, the playing...

Legal  legal accident financial victims personal injury claims