188 articles on "jury"

Buying Auto Insurance part 4 of 4

Continued from part 3.Think About it: You Need to Buy Insurance to Protect Yourself, Passengers, and Family Members by Purchasing Underinsured Motorist Coverage (part 4 of 4)One serious mistake is to decline UIM coverage. Some companies require that ...

Business And Finance  business finance injury damage property liability uninsured liabilitynono bodily motoristyesno
Buying Auto Insurance part 4 of 4

In this final part of our four-part series on buying auto insurance, we’ll cover some final tips to keep in mind to make sure you’re getting the best policy for you and your vehicle. One important thing to consider when purchasing auto insurance...

Business And Finance  business finance injury damage property liability uninsured liabilitynono bodily motoristyesno
Glutathione - Your Brain's Master Antioxidant Defense

Glutathione - Your Brain's Master Antioxidant Defense by: Priya F ShahFree radicals and oxyradicals play an important role in the development and progression of many brain disorders such as brain injury, neurodegenerative disease, schizophr...

Health  health glutathione brain cell cells disease injury death
Personal Injury Litigation

While nobody prays to be the victim of an accident or mishap, these accidents happen daily and they result from different causes. Thankfully, personal injury law has created a way for accident victims to receive justice and compensation. In reality, ...

Legal  legal personal injury accident safety victims corporate america
Self-Injury on College Campuses

Self injury is intentionally causing self-inflicted physical pain in order to cope with overwhelming feelings, traumatic events, or severe emotional pain. The person is not “crazy,” but rather just never learned appropriate ways to express intens...

College Articles  college articles injury behavior roommate feelings
Overlooked Indications Of Fetal Distress Lead To Infant's Cerebral Palsy

The fetal heart rate monitor provides physicians and nurses with important data relating to the well-being of the unborn baby while the mother is in labor. The information from the monitor is used to track whether the baby is well or is in a compromi...

Legal  legal physicians nurses baby injury monitor situation
All You Wanted To Know About Injury Lawyers

Personal injuries can be of various types, including slip and fall, dog bites, and wrong medications. The best thing to do when faced with such situations is to hire a personal injury lawyer who can guide you to fight such cases. Laws pertaining to p...

Legal  legal personal injury experienced cases attorneys fight lawyer
California Construction Accident Attorney Straight Talk: California Construction Accident Law

Construction jobs are some of the most dangerous jobs in California and the U.S. There is a very high rate of serious injury and fatalities in the construction industry. Usually, serious injury and deaths on construction sites are caused by negligenc...

Legal  legal construction workers california injuries compensation deaths serious injury
Glutathione - Your Brain's Master Antioxidant Defense

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that is naturally produced by the human body. It is synthesized from three amino acids – cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid – and is found in every cell of our body. Glutathione has several important functi...

Health  health glutathione brain cell cells disease injury death
Injuries from Minor Vehicle Collisions

Injuries from Minor Vehicle Collisions by: Maricon Williams Approximately 12.8 million motor vehicle accidents in the United States were reported on December 2003. This amounts to about one crash per second - quite an alarming data. To boot, we ...

Legal  legal vehicle damage injuries quantitative physical injury bumper