238 articles on "kills"

Closing the Gap On Your Career Goals

Closing the Gap On Your Career Goals by: Shannon Bradford If you still picture a steady progression up the ladder when you think of your career goals, it is time to shift your thinking. For most people, climbing the career ladder is no longer an...

Business And Finance  business finance skills career experiences future column
Who Needs Heroes?

Who Needs Heroes? by: Graham and Julie When we were talking the other day we started to think about our heroes when we were young. After we had discussed the usual film star and sports stars that we idolised I remembered Derek. Derek was a coupl...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivationself compare skills
Saving Money on Preschool: Readiness Skills Needed for Kindergarten

Saving Money on Preschool: Readiness Skills Needed for Kindergarten by: Michelle JonesAs a mom of 4 who's youngest child is about to start Kindergarten this Fall, I'd like to share with you some things I've learned about Preschool...

Parenting  parenting child preschool skills kindergarten about
Are Your Dreams Trapped Inside Your Head?

Are Your Dreams Trapped Inside Your Head? by: Oscar Bruce Sometimes a dream needs a little help. Even in our social and business relations, the race is not to the swift, but to the verbal - the spellbinding orator - the silver-tongued seducer. ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation skills words language limited verbal
The Top Mistakes Executives Make in Leading Their Organizations

THE TOP MISTAKES TODAY’S EXECUTIVES MAKE IN LEADING THEIR ORGANIZATIONSFour Tips on Common Leadership Pitfalls to Avoid In today’s uncertain economy, many organizations have been making some drastic changes to stay competitive and productive. Thi...

Business And Finance  business finance leadership executives skills
Social Skills Training Can Positively Impact Your Life

Social Skills Training Can Positively Impact Your Life by: Peter Murphy In spite of many academic and professional accomplishments, many people still feel uncomfortable in social situations. Millions of people become anxious and insecure when s...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation social skills improving communicate positive
Tap the Creative Inside You

Tap the Creative Inside You by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-RussImagination is the source of creativity. It's a place where unlimited possibilities reside. It's where pure energy lives. People are innately imaginative and creative. However,...

Writing  writing creativity creative ideas skills
Teamwork: Needed in Practicing the Softball Drills to win the Upcoming Ball Games

All softball players are expected to be participating in their practice for softball drills. However, this is not the only thing needed. As much as participation is needed in practicing these drills for them to be able to make a way in winning their ...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports drills softball players needed practice skills
Learning Vision Skills in Preschool Helps a Baby"s Learning for Life

Learning vision skills is a vital half of a kid's improvement within the preschool years. Learning vision skills lays the groundwork for future educational achievement, as a result of these are the constructing blocks upon which a child's s...

Parenting  parenting skills vision learning childapossin preschool
Ten Courses Of Study If You Want To Be Your Own Boss.

Ten Courses Of Study If You Want To Be Your Own Boss. by: Max Stein For many Americans, an important component of the American Dream is the possibility of hard work turning into financial fortune. The career exploits of such self made magnates l...

Business And Finance  business finance work skills career training