24 articles on "launch"

PR - Media - Spin - All That Jazz!

Public relations can be a very powerful, far-reaching tool for small businesses, or even individuals. It delivers a big impact for very little cost. But it can also be trouble when not managed well. It’s definitely a double-edged sword. Just ask Ma...

Marketing  marketing release search pickups media launch fact
The 70% Solution Practical Testing and Version Control

"What do you mean you need to push back the launch date?"Says the CEO. Says the CFO. Says the user community. CTOs, CIOs, and all officers who oversee major development projects have had to deliver the dreaded message. But a deadline for the sake of ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet minor launch version development testing user
Seo Go-To Guy Reveals All His Traffic Secrets!

Keith Baxter is well known among top Internet Marketers as the hands-down Internet Traffic expert. He’s considered the “go-to” guy when you want hoards of visitors to your site. Many use Keith’s techniques to cause a “traffic jam” of visi...

Computers And Internet  computers internet sites keith marketing launched
Funding Issues and Options for Women Entrepreneurs

Traditional Venture CapitalProblem: it is an old boy's network and access to it is limited.The traditional Venture Capital (VC) structure is not conducive to women's businesses which tend to be passion-driven, and less focused on exit strat...

Women  women businesses launch ladies funding
Top 10 Product Launch Mistakes: Part 2

Mistake #6: Driving Your Customers to Your Competition My wife and I then started to look at the other shredders that were available. We had a need, but we thought that $39.99 was more than we wanted to spend - it seemed a little pricey. We ended u...

Marketing  marketing product launch mistake
Try Acro Paragliding

Acro paragliding is truly a sport for the adrenalin addict. It is genuinely the extreme sport end of paragliding. Pilots who fly or compete in this genre of the sport are highly skilled and have a very high level of confidence in both their ability a...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports acro sport paragliding wing launch highly pilot over
How To Launch Your Kayak

How To Launch Your Kayak by: Jakob Jelling Launching your kayak does not have to be difficult as long as you know what you’re doing. When it comes to launching your kayak, there are a few important decisions that you must make. The first thing...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports kayak launching land launch
In The Beginning

In The Beginning by: Jay Nagdeman The greatest occupational high that financial services Marketing Directors experience is bringing a vision to market through a financial product or service innovation. Seeking to experience the same euphoria tha...

Business And Finance  business finance financial product services products launch failure service
If NASA Can Launch The Space Shuttle, Then You Can Become A Successnaut

If NASA Can Launch The Space Shuttle, Then You Can Become A Successnaut by: Owen Stobbe The recent mission of the space shuttle Discovery is NASA's first return to space since the Columbia shuttle accident in Feb/03. Why is this important t...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation shuttle nasa problem space launch
The Coming Home Business Boom

There is a coming home-business boom. You may not read much about it, since home business activity takes place quietly, but it's coming nonetheless. All of the elements are there to support this quiet boom. Layoffs are increasing. Home-equity ga...

Business And Finance  business finance launch based years start