297 articles on "medical"

Integrate Your Appointment Reminder Software With Your Appointment Scheduling Software

Today medical software helps with everything one would have to write down, keep in mind and remember to do and appointment scheduling software is sure to be nothing of a novelty. Recently it has been integrated with the electronic medical records and...

Computers And Internet  computers internet appointment software medical reminder
Medical Collection. How Organized is your office?

Medical Collection. How Organized is your office? by: Mike Nielsen At one time or another, all of us have experienced the frustration of waiting in a doctor’s office. It seems as though every time we go to see the doctor or the dentist we end ...

Business And Finance  business finance medical office software
Terri Schiavo's Gift

Terri Schiavo's Gift by: Vicki Rackner, MD Terri Schiavo and her family have given us a gift. They remind us that planning for your death is your final act of love. For the past few weeks, we have witnessed painful lessons we would prefer ...

Health  health choices willself love medical
Hair Loss Resources

Hair loss is a problem that affects men and women alike. Apart from mental tension it induces a feeling of consciousness in the individual. To what extent this feeling is justified is however a matter of debate. People who are facing the problem can...

Health  health hair loss sites medical search resources
Breast Cancer Diagnosis - Why is It Often Delayed?

Every day men and women consult with their doctors with regard to their health problems. When people schedule an appointment with their physicians they are planning to go to the doctor's office because they hope that they will be healed from wha...

Women  women cancer breast stage medical doctors
Cheek Implants Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is becoming an increasingly popular trend, with cheek implants being one of the favoured elective procedures among Hollywood celebrities. While the procedure is usually performed without any complications, there are times in which mi...

Health  health cheek surgery implants implant medical avoid
How to Make a Better SSI Case

How to Make a Better SSI Case by: Lala Balattan It is not actually that a person’s disability claim is not believable enough or substantial enough that causes denied applications for the Social Security Disability or the Supplemental Security ...

Legal  legal case disability claim medical chance
Buy stair lifts online

Buy stair lifts onlineStair lifts – all sortsNo stair lifts and 18 years of full time caring of my disabled sweetheart (she died Sept 2004) I can barely walk because of serious arm and back pain. Had I taken more time and good advise from folks aro...

Health  health stair lifts lift medical equipment sure money
Getting the Necessary Paperwork Ready

A good grasp of the inner workings of disability claim benefits will significantly increase claimant’s chances of having his request approved. Understanding the procedures as well as the criteria used in evaluating your claims is a must if you want...

Legal  legal disability medical records
Filing a Case Against Canine Bite Injuries

Man’s best friend can be man’s worst enemy. Statistics show dog attacks have accounted for more than 300 dog-bite related deaths in the United States from the period of 1979 through 1996. Most of these victims were children. And someone seeks med...

Legal  legal bites medical bite victim future