476 articles on "mind"

Dial M for Mindfulness Using the Golden Arches

Looking for mindfulness? Who ya gonna call? Try dialing M. It's easy to be mindful. It's just hard to remember to be mindful. That's why it's so important to pick our triggers.Here's a great trigger for mindfulnessthe letter ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation mindful mcdonaldaposs itaposs golden trigger
The Two Words That Guarantee Success or failure When Losing Weight

Did you know that being successful with losing weight starts with just two words?Two words will either guarantee you'll lose weight, or guarantee the you WON'T lose weight.You see, words are very powerful. Especially the words that we say t...

Health  health mind weightself words lose
Mindfulness and Housework Vacuum This

As a guest on a local television show recently, I decided to bring along my vacuum cleaner. No, it wasn't for a segment on household hints. I wasn't there to share secrets for deep-cleaning a carpet. Instead, I was using my vacuum cleaner a...

Women  women vacuum mindfulness cleaning time
Make Your Home Environmentally Friendly

Recent years have seen people become increasingly environmentally conscious. Green products, packaging and cars are becoming common place. So to is the green home. Living in a green home is not only good for the environment, but also your hip pocket....

Environment  environment homes star environmental stability mind
How To Win The Marketing War, Capture Your Prospect's Mind And Make More Sales

How To Win The "Marketing War", Capture Your Prospect's Mind And Make More Sales(c) 2004 Charles KangetheAs a marketer you are engaged in a "War" with competitorswhere the ultimate prize is capturing the mind of prospectsand claiming their purch...

Marketing  marketing prospectaposs mind prospects they
Kung Fu Hustle Review

My Review Of Kung Fu Hustle:I heard alot of buzz about this movie and was drawn to the theatre to see it. Kung Fu movies are funny to me anyway so if THEY went "over the top" to make it a comedy, then it will be pure genius. There was a little bit of...

Music And Entertainment  music entertainment kung review wouldnt minded seeing itjust
Lucid Dreams: Take Control of Your Dreams

Lucid Dreams: Take Control of Your Dreams by: Eric Head Most of us fall asleep each night and completely lose sight or awareness into the fact that we are dreaming. One moment we are lying in bed, feeling tired while our eyes are closed, the nex...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation dream lucid dreaming mind just
Change Mindset To Success, All A Pile Of Bullocks?

We hear so many people talk about the importance of changing your mindset. Is this really that important or is it all just a pile of bullocks? We all want to have something in life, whether it is on a material level or spiritual level. To achieve th...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation changing mindset
Keep Your Goals Clearly In Mind

Your Goals Clearly In Mind by: Josh Hinds Keep Your Goals Fresh In Your Mind - Most of us have goals, the question is how many of us actually follow-up and work those goals. What I mean is going a step further then actually recording your goals...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation goals work fresh mind actually
Internet Marketing Psychology & Intriguing Facts

Time Management Ever asked yourself, where does the time go? It seems that this hectic lifestyle in which we live, many in internet business have the complaint, "there's just not enough time in the day" to get all the work required done. This pr...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation mind think time puddles