1,585 articles on "money"

The Abundance of Jabez

Bruce Wilkinson, the author of the "Prayer of Jabez", published a follow-on book entitled, "Beyond Jabez" in 2005. One of the reasons that he wrote this sequel was to address some of the criticisms he had received because of the success of the "Praye...

Religion  religion abundance money jabez
5 Steps to Identify Core Processes

5 Steps to Identify Core Processes by: Chris Anderson Part Two of Creating Well-Defined Processes Series Part One: http://www.bizmanualz.com/articles/02-08-05ProcessImprovement.html'srcART83 Next Week: Implementation Last week, we raised th...

Business And Finance  business finance process money inventory velocity
How I Lost a Million Dollars in a Bank Robbery

How I Lost a Million Dollars in a Bank Robbery by: Gerald Armstrong The Million dollars was my life-savings earmarked for prime the pump money for my biotech start-up. I am the Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells Cures…Gen Cells Cures is f...

Health  health money cures cells from
A Never-Fail Business Opportunity

A Never-Fail Business Opportunityby Alan Tutthttp://www.KeysToPowerProsperity.comEverywhere you look online, someone is touting a new, fully tested, impossible-to-fail method of making more money than you've ever dreamed possible.And if you&apos...

Business And Finance  business finance money prosperity over
Four Simple Steps to Improve Your Sales Copy

Four Simple Steps to Improve Your Sales Copy by: David Bell You know what its like, you're reading the sales material about a product you're considering buying, but, as you read, all these questions seem to pop into your mind, but ther...

Site Promotion  site promotion customers donapost widgets money time
What is a Commercial Mortgage

A commercial mortgage or commercial remortgage is a business loan which is secured against a commercial property. Commercial mortgages are often used to buy business premises, such as offices, shops, restaurants, or pubs. But they can also be used to...

Business And Finance  business finance commercial mortgage money buying mortgages
Would You Rather Be Wealthy?

Would You Rather Be Wealthy? by: Rhoberta Shaler, PhD Would you rather be wealthy or poverty-stricken? Not a difficult question to answer, is it? How do you think your thoughts impact on your financial state? Just as the earth contains in its d...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation father wanted money medical school
Conservative Investors Are Losers

Conservative Investors Are LosersByWilliam CateIt isn't your money that counts. It's what that money will buy that matters. To preserve your savings, your money must earn an income that offsets the ravages of inflation. If your interest inc...

Business And Finance  business finance money inflation risk capital interest
Free Money For College

What if someone came up to you and offered you $5000 to attend college? Or after college, what if someone called you and asked if you wanted a couple thousand dollars to pay off some student loans? The obvious answer is, “Where do I sign up?” But...

College Articles  college articles money into
State Governments: Immobile, Going Broke and High On Wine

Many state and local governments are heading towards financial insolvency as a result of their state employee pension and retiree medical liabilities. Consider an article from the October 18, 2010 issue of Businessweek magazine: - According to a stu...

Government  government state winery liabilities money