135 articles on "nancy"

Week by Week Pregnancy Guide

First Trimester These are the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy. During this time, the mother's body goes through many changes since a baby is growing in her. Most women complain of nausea, backaches and morning sickness. At this point, the moth...

Parenting  parenting pregnancy baby week weeks during
7 Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

I'm going to share with you today on 7 signs of pregnancy and symptoms in hope it will be useful to couples who plan to have a baby. Why I'm saying this is that, it is more to precautions to not overdo yourself after knowing that you'r...

Parenting  parenting pregnant period pregnancy wife when
How to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy - Three Healthy Pregnancy Tips

If you knew the secrets of how to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, how good would you feel? Your body will undergo many changes during your pregnancy, but many of those changes will disappear soon after your baby is born. Stretch marks are one...

Women  women pregnancy stretch marks healthy skin
Pregnancy Symptoms, Signs and Symptoms of Being Pregnant

Pregnancy Symptoms, Signs and Symptoms of Being Pregnant by: Brian Gardner EARLY PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS Although a lot of women experience pregnancy symptoms, and find signs of being pregnant, other's don't "feel" pregnant. Certain signs a...

Parenting  parenting pregnancy symptoms pregnant signs
The Best Postpartum Exercise

The Best Postpartum Exercise by: Beverley Brooke Would you like to know the best exercises are after your delivery? When it comes to post pregnancy weight loss, no two exercises are alike! In the time frame immediately after pregnancy, you will ...

Women  women pregnancy exercises after
Why Prenatal RDA's (Recommended Daily Allowances) Need to Change

No other physiological process is more demanding than pregnancy, yet most prenatal vitamins assure that baby gets the minimum vitamins necessary, with nothing left over for mom. This article is about why the pregnancy RDA's (recommended daily al...

Parenting  parenting nutrients pregnancy vitamins baby
Lawsuit Alleges Child Sustained Brain Damage Because of Pediatrician's Group B Strep Diagnosis Delay

A pregnant woman who is a carrier of the Group b strep can pass on the bacteria to her baby during labor even when the mother does not present any symptoms. Research demonstrate that between about 25% of expecting mothers have group b strep. If there...

Legal  legal group infection strep mother pregnancy during
Problems Associated With Teen Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the pivotal moments of a woman's life but not when you’re young with a bright future ahead. Teen pregnancy is one of the most difficult experiences any young woman can go through. The stress of pregnancy, revelation of pre...

Women  women pregnancy teen pregnant health teenage birth girls
Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Choosing The Right Foods

Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Choosing The Right Foods  by: Beverley Brooke So you need to gain weight but don’t want to gain too much weight during your pregnancy right? There are many things that you can do to improve your diet and ensure th...

Women  women foods pregnancy weight will
Lose Pregnancy Weight - 4 Simple Methods To Losing That Post - Pregnancy Fat!

Giving birth is arguable the fastest way to lose the weight gained during pregnancy. The process of delivery will normally allow you shed about 10 pounds instantly. Nevertheless, that will not be enough to bring you back to your previous shape. You s...

Women  women weight pregnancy baby