33 articles on "obesity"

Prevent Childhood Obesity - Is It Possible?

We are all quite aware of the growing concern of obesity in our children today. Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in our society, and we've all heard the various statistics regarding this growing trend. But what really are the c...

Parenting  parenting change obesity children childhood behaviours
Prevent Childhood Obesity - Is It Possible?

Childhood obesity has become one of the most pressing public health issues in the world today. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly prevalent, affecting millions of children worldwide. Obesity in children is a serious health concern. It may lead...

Parenting  parenting change obesity children childhood behaviours
Does It Matter If You Are Overweight?

Does It Matter If You Are Overweight? by: Kim Beardsmore Everywhere we look in the western world we are inundated with pictures, images, icons and inferences of the 'perfect' female shape! The truth is that many of these images are alt...

Health  health weight obesity years healthy
Does It Matter If You Are Overweight?

Obesity has become a major health issue in modern times. With sedentary lifestyles becoming the norm and fast food outlets popping up everywhere, people are consuming more calories and leading more inactive lives - the perfect recipe for gaining exce...

Health  health weight obesity years healthy
Losing Weight Healthier Wallet

You may reprint or publish this article free of charge as long as the bylines are included. Original URL (The Web version of the article) Losing Weight: Healthier WalletTitle Losing Weight: Healthier WalletLose Weight - Get A Break The American Obes...

Health  health weight obesity disease says loss obese people
Childhood Obesity in the United States

Obesity in Childhood has developed into a distressful domestic epidemic and has exploded radically. In between 1980 and 1994, the occurrence of childhood obesity rates has almost doubled with as much as 15% of kids and adolescents deemed overweight. ...

Health  health obesity childhood weight food obese
From Now On, Europe Focuses On Dieting Pills

From Now On, Europe Focuses On Dieting Pills by: Dana Scripca A state of emergency has been recently put on European Union agenda. In the next ten years, European countries will be "on diet". The EU countries have to manage an alarming situation...

Health  health obesity european eating overweight food
Half of our Nation is Over Weight!

Half of our Nation is Over Weight! by: Paul Marsland Experts say obesity will overtake smoking as the biggest health problem of the decade. They are predicting a quarter of the population will be suffering from weight related diabetes by 2013. D...

Health  health children overweight adults obesity
Obesity: Can it be disabling?

Obesity: Can it be disabling? by: Gerald G. Lutkenhaus Social Security has a set of Impairment Listings. At one time "obesity" had an impairment listing. Thus, if the applicant was of a certain height and weight, then the applicant received Disa...

Legal  legal obesity impairments case rules security impairment listing
The Solution to Healthy Weight Loss

The Solution to Healthy Weight Loss by: Marilyn Pokorney The overweight and obesity epidemic is a worldwide problem. There are no official statistics for spending on diet products, but estimates vary from $40 to $100 billion in the US alone, muc...

Health  health percent obesity weight overweight disease