52 articles on "panes"

How to Care for Your Japanese Maple Bonsai

The Japanese Maple is a perfect species for bonsai which accounts for it's popularity all over the world. It is adored for it's smaller size, it's lacy leaves, and it's spectacular display of fall colors. It's botanical name ...

Hobbies  hobbies japanese maple leaves water bonsai will
Introduction to Japanese Maple Bonsai

The Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) is native to Japan, the Koreas, Mongolia, southeast Russia, and China. It is among the most popular trees with bonsai enthusiasts. While there are many different cultivars of Japanese Maple, all are suited to the ...

Hobbies  hobbies maple bonsai japanese styles growing
How to Care for Your Japanese Maple Bonsai

Japanese maples are one of the most popular bonsai trees to grow due to their beautiful foliage, vibrant colors, and unique appearance. To ensure the health and longevity of your Japanese maple bonsai, it is important to care for it properly. 1. Wat...

Hobbies  hobbies japanese maple leaves water bonsai will
Introduction to Japanese Maple Bonsai

Bonsai is an art form that originated in ancient China and Japan where miniature trees are grown in containers. The trees are trained to grow in a specific way that mimics the natural growth of full-sized trees that are unique to their species. Japan...

Hobbies  hobbies maple bonsai japanese styles growing
Grow Your Own Amazingly Beautiful Japanese Maple Bonsai - Part II

In my previous report we dealt with the proper fertilizing, watering, light, and humidity needs for the Japanese maple bonsai. In this second article on the way to care for your Japanese Maple we will focus on when and how to re-pot, root-prune, and ...

Hobbies  hobbies japanese leaves maple roots bonsai tree
Grow Your Own Amazingly Beautiful Japanese Maple Bonsai - Part II

In the first part of this series, we discussed the basics of Japanese maple bonsai cultivation. We learned about selecting the right tree, finding the right location, and choosing the right pot. In this second part, we will explore the actual steps f...

Hobbies  hobbies japanese leaves maple roots bonsai tree
Types Of Shrub To Use In Your Garden

Among the bewildering lists of shrubs, certain names stand out as new and unusual, or, on the other hand, tried and familiar. These include both the evergreen and deciduous types. Rhododendron and azaleas (a type of rhododendron) head the list of ev...

Home Improvement  home improvement lilac evergreen flowers shrub holly rhododendron pink japanese
Japanese Parts

Car maintenance is not an easy task at all; however Japanese cars are famous for their long life and great performance. Japan is known for making the most durable cars in the world and the Japanese parts are the most genuine ones all over the globe. ...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks japanese parts cars japan superior
Results of Poor Cross Cultural Awareness

Results of Poor Cross Cultural Awareness by: Neil Payne Having a poor understanding of the influence of cross cultural differences in areas such as management, PR, advertising and negotiations can eventually lead to blunders that can have damagi...

Business And Finance  business finance cross cultural japanese
Karate a History

Karate a History  by: Michael Smith Although the basic forms of self defense are probably as old as the human race, the art of karate as it is practiced today can be traced directly to the Okinawan technique called, in Japanese, Okinawate-te (Ok...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports karate okinawa weapons time japanese