180 articles on "patient"

Hyaluronic Acid vs. Collagen - A Growing Debate

The debate continues as to whether Hyaluronic acid or collagen is the best option for facial injections. However, research shows that Hyaluronic acid is rapidly becoming the facial injection of choice.Hyaluronic acid facial injection, Restylane, is o...

Health  health acid hyaluronic injections collagen injection patients
Gastric Bypass For Obesity

Gastric Bypass Surgery, or stomach stapling, is the only hope for many obese people who wish to lose weight. Severely overweight, they have tried diet, exercise, everything they can, and now are turning to bariatric surgery for obesity.According to a...

Health  health patients surgery gastric complications procedure bypass stomach
What’s in your Electronic Medical Record?

What’s in your Electronic Medical Record? by: Mike Nielsen In the age of the internet and rapid developments of information technology, the way we view, edit, and exchange documents is changing and becoming more and more advanced. The medical ...

Business And Finance  business finance medical records electronic record patients there
Automated Defibrillator and Cost-Effectiveness

Automated Defibrillator and Cost-Effectiveness by: Jacqueline S. Darby There had been several studies relating to the automated defibrillator and cost-effectiveness of it. The Multi-center Automated Defibrillator Implantation Trial (MADIT) took ...

Health  health patients cost effectiveness defibrillator cardiac risk death sudden
Stopping Sleepless Nights: What You Need to Know about Restless Legs Syndrome, a Common but Unrecognized Condition

ping Sleepless Nights: What You Need to Know about Restless Legs Syndrome, a Common but Unrecognized Condition by: ARA Content (ARA) - "Creepy-crawly," "prickly," "tingling," and "twitching"... These are the words typically used to describe one ...

Health  health symptoms sleep legs sensations patients foundationaposs
Understanding Tumescent Liposuction

Understanding Tumescent Liposuction  by: Tammy Corbett Tumescent liposuction was developed by dermatologic surgeons in the mid 1980's and has become a more popular method of liposuction. It is considered to be a major advancement that has c...

Health  health liposuction skin surgery type tumescent usually patient
How Would You React In The Event Your Doctor Held Up Detection Of Your Prostate Cancer?

How would you react if you discovered you had cancer of the prostate? How would you react if you then also found out that the cancer was advanced rendering it, at the current time, not curable? And how would you react if you then came to understand t...

Health  health cancer patient prostate results abnormal tests would
Safety Of The Abortion Pill

Is the abortion pill safe enough for terminating pregnancy? Unplanned or unwanted pregnancies do happen and not every woman is capable of seeing it to the last term or caring for the baby afterwards for a variety of reasons. Abortion pills under me...

Women  women abortion pills pregnancy procedure patient after
Research into the Efficacy of Hyaluronic Acid Knee Injections Continues

Research into the Efficacy of Hyaluronic Acid Knee Injections Continues by: Jana Willinger Hyaluronic acid, a key component of human tissue, aiding the body’s flexibility, mobility and moisture retention is a popular component of many anti-agi...

Health  health acid knee injections hyaluronic patients osteoarthritis
Using Reiki for Relaxing Dentistry

Using Reiki for Relaxing Dentistry by: Dr. Pirjo Friedman D.D.S. The reason that many people are afraid to see a dentist probably arises from the vision they have of dentistry as it was practiced a century ago, when equipment was basic and anest...

Health  health reiki dental patients energy