207 articles on "payment"

Tips For First-Time Homebuyers

Tips For First-Time Homebuyers by: News Canada (NC)—Near record low interest rates are opening the doors of homeownership for many Canadians. "This may be the perfect time to consider purchasing a home," says Gail Kassie, Director, Mortgages a...

Business And Finance  business finance mortgage payment options afford
Family Feud with an Auction Deadline – Adventures in Probate/ Estate Purchases

Family Feud with an Auction Deadline – Adventures in Probate/ Estate Purchases by: Lou Castillo One of our investor students told us of an interesting probate deal or "adventure" they're working on now and while it's a good story, it...

Business And Finance  business finance scott estate siblings payments
Are you sending out your business cards to prospective customers...by Sonia Colon

Are you sending out your business cards to prospective customers? c)Copyright 2003 S.ColonAre you sending out your business cards to prospective customers? © 2003 S.ColonProspective customers are anyone from your next door neighbor to your denti...

Business And Finance  business finance cards customers sending places bill payments
Student Loan Modifications Can Provide Affordable Payments

While a student is enrolled in school, their student loans can quickly accumulate into the tens of thousands. Once their education has been completed, the monthly payments can often be burdensome. However, by using a student loan modification, borrow...

Education  education student loan school payments modification borrower
Reverse Mortgages – a Reversal of the Mortgage Process

Mortgages have assumed a number of characters from the time of their inception. The traditional mortgages used to be of the repayment type. Every month the mortgagor used to pay a certain amount towards both principal and interest. Sensing the hardsh...

Business And Finance  business finance mortgage borrower mortgages reverse repayment will
Structured Settlements – Should You Sell Yours

In recent years, it has become more common for victims of accidental injury who accept a settlement from the at-fault party to accept a structured settlement instead of a lump-sum payment. With a structured settlement, the injured party receives paym...

Business And Finance  business finance settlement structured party payments
Five Magic Phrases: Tips For Negotiating Like A Pro

Five Magic Phrases: Tips For Negotiating Like A Pro by: Jenna Glatzer Those who are new to freelancing are often too afraid to ask for more than a client offers. Thrilled to be making any money at all, new freelancers typically agree to whatever...

Business And Finance  business finance clients youve offer nbspby matter start payment
Overwhelmed By Student Loan Debt? Consider a Consolidate Student Loan

Overwhelmed By Student Loan Debt? Consider a Consolidate Student Loan by: Mike Yeager A consolidate student loan is the perfect solution for people who need help managing their debt. If you have several different loan payments but want to make o...

Legal  legal loan student consolidate payments rate debt
Reduce Your 30 Year Mortgage To 10 Years Using Mortgage Cycling

Reduce Your 30 Year Mortgage To 10 Years Using Mortgage Cycling by: Ted Kushner With all the talk lately about Mortgage Cycling versus Bi-Weekly Mortgages which one is really right for you? Choosing the correct one could literally save you thous...

Business And Finance  business finance mortgage years cycling interest payments equity weekly
What is an Unsecured Loan

An unsecured loan is a personal loan where the lender has no claim on a homeowner's property should they fail to repay. Instead, the lender is relying solely on the ability of a borrower to meet their loan borrowing repayments.The amount you ar...

Business And Finance  business finance loan unsecured lender loans repayment