77 articles on "payments"

Late Mortgage Payments Sabotage PMI Cancellation

Late Mortgage Payments Sabotage PMI CancellationThere's something you should know about PMI!Private mortgage insurance is commonly referred to as PMI. If a buyer makes a down payment of less than 20% of a home's value the lender will insist...

Business And Finance  business finance loan value payments lenders mortgage
Mortgage Payments vs Rent Payments

Mortgage Payments vs Rent Payments by: Max Hunter There is an age-old debate on whether or not it makes more sense for people to rent or buy. Though it is hard to really understand why there is a debate at all. You will definitely hear arguments...

Business And Finance  business finance rent time mortgage payments
Become a Smarter Borrower

With a nation that has in the region of a Trillion pounds of debt one could say we are serial borrowers. Before you consider borrowing money it is wise to consider a few important points.• Shop around for the best dealThis may sound like a no brain...

Business And Finance  business finance loan pound sure payments will
Top 10 Ways to Avoid Loan Fraud

Top 10 Ways to Avoid Loan Fraud by: David E. BrumbaughEvery year, misinformed homebuyers, often first-time purchasers or seniors, become victims of predatory lending or loan fraud. Below you'll find the top ten ways to avoid becoming a vict...

Business And Finance  business finance loan cash payments money
Real Estate Investing Myths That Steal Profits From Your Pocket

Real Estate Investing Myths That Steal Profits From Your Pocket by: Lou Castillo One of the things that distresses us about our industry is the amount of wrong or incomplete information available to investors. Some myths block what otherwise wou...

Business And Finance  business finance loan payments
Credit Cards Debt Consolidation

Consolidating credit card debt is never easy. Too often people run up their debts without even realizing it until it is too late. If you are one of these people, don't feel bad or trapped, or that there is something wrong with you. Credit cards...

Business And Finance  business finance payments credit card people make
UK Credit Card and Debt Consolidation Loans

UK Credit Card and Debt Consolidation Loans by: John Grayson Your current situation. You have got several credit and store cards and several loans. You are finding it difficult to make the payments each month. Generally you do make the required...

Business And Finance  business finance loan credit payments