1,007 articles on "pets"

Small Dogs Who Bark Big! Small Dog Anti Bark Collars

Dogs will bark. It's a natural part of their natures. Small dogs surprisingly bark just as much as big ones do! So when you're tempted to buy that puppy or if you already have you might want to consider the issue of barking. What will you d...

Pets And Animals  pets animals bark small anti barking collar collars
Steps When Setting Up The Optimum Salamander Habitat

If you want to have a salamander at home, then you need to create the appropriate habitat for them. In order for you to do this, you must be aware about the type of salamander you will most likely keep. You need to make either an aquatic, semi-aquati...

Pets And Animals  pets animals salamander salamanders habitat water land aquatic them
Finding The Correct Canine Grooming School For You

Dog grooming is really a passion that all animal lovers really do not have in typical. It really is one thing that calls for unique attention. A dog grooming school is according to teaching folks that pursue this passion, the quick abilities one ough...

Pets And Animals  pets animals grooming school display really
Goat Fencing - Quick Tips If You Are Just Starting To Raise Goats

If you are just starting to raise goats, it is inevitable that you ensure you have proper goat fencing. Any experience livestock raiser will agree that goats can make swift disappearing acts, making Harry Houdini bite the dust! You have to keep in m...

Pets And Animals  pets animals goat fencing goats farm fence will
Kids Activities: How To Make Your Own Puppet Theaters And Finger Puppets

Kids Activities: How To Make Your Own Puppet Theaters And Finger Puppets by: Janice Wee Your kids can make a puppet theater and an assortment of puppets all by themselves. Materials Needed a table for the theater a cloth that can cover the fr...

Parenting  parenting puppet puppets finger kids theater
Heartworms In Dogs – What They Are & What To Do

Heartworms In Dogs – What They Are & What To Do by: Kirsten Hawkins Heartworms (Latin name Dirofilaria immitis) are parasitic worms that are common in both dogs and cats. Like their name suggests, they live in the dog’s heart, normally free-...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs heartworms stage blood heart heartworm worms
Bearded Dragon Facts

The bearded dragon originates from Australia's desert area, but are found world wide all over. They have become well known and liked by young and old, due to their quiet behavior. They can grow up to 15 inches in length, this does not include t...

Pets And Animals  pets animals beardie
Similarities and Differences Between German Shorthaired Pointer and German Wirehaired Pointer

These two dogs, the German Shorthaired and Wirehaired pointers while they have a lot of similarities between them, there are also some obvious differences that separate them. Both dogs are easy to train and take commands well, excellent hunting skill...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs pointer wirehaired shorthaired
Hunting For The Right Hound

They are man's best friend, as they say cute and cuddly, intelligent and witty, lean and furry. We train them to make our lives easier. There are so many different breeds out there. The key is choosing the right breed for the right owner. Hunti...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs breeds right sheepdog some
Are Dog Shock Collars Healthy

If you are looking for a simple and painless method of training your dog to follow your instructions, a dog shock collar could be right for you. Using one of the types of dog shock collars, you can train dogs quickly, effectively and humanely. Don&a...

Pets And Animals  pets animals shock collars donapost collar