1,007 articles on "pets"

Raising Sheep for Wool - All You Need To Know

Raising sheep for wool was the major income source for sheep breeding in the early 1900s. But as the value of wool as a commodity started to decline, farmers and breeders adapted, raising sheep for wool specifically for niche marketing. Fleeces sold ...

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Learn About Sugar Gliders

The Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps) is a small gliding possum native to eastern and northern mainland Australia, New Guinea, and the Bismarck Archipelago, and introduced to Tasmania.It is around 16 to 20 cm (6.3 to 7.5 in) in length, with a slightl...

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The Number Two Dog

The Number Two Dog by: Paul Johnston Most one-dog owners at one time or another will ponder the thought of getting a second dog. There are many reasons for doing so. Company for the number one dog is the most common answer, while many would agre...

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Cleaning Dog Teeth Comes of Age As Dog Owners Discover Health Benefits

Our organisation was founded to provide dog owners direction on raising healthy hounds. The foundation stone of our approach was to employ the proved research provided by top flight studies done in the agriculture industry. While the addition of nutr...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogaposs teeth dogs mouth owners periodontal
Tips to Socalize a New Puppy and Your Cat

Cats and dogs may seem like mortal enemies, but there are many examples that support the idea that they can coexist quite peacefully. Cats and dogs do not hate each other simply because they are cat and dog, and it more often than not comes down to h...

Pets And Animals  pets animals cats family time territory
My Dog's Great Escape

My Dog's Great Escape by: Ruth Bird Even though I try not to go down memory lane too often, every once in a while something happens that triggers my memory, and I am carried backwards in time. Today I took my three dogs for a long walk. I h...

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Basic Dog Grooming Tips You Need To Know

Basic Dog Grooming Tips You Need To Know by: Rose Lenk Brush your dog often. Brushing will stimulate oils in your pets skin & keep it moist & healthy. Brushing will prevent matting of your dogs coat. Brushing is a great way to show your dog atte...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs ears nails bathing keep
Planning for a Pet Friendly Holiday

Planning for a Pet Friendly Holiday by: Gerry Neustatl These days many holiday venues will happily allow you to bring your pet along - a move that has been welcomed by many loving pet owners and their four-legged charges. In Australia these venu...

Pets And Animals  pets animals sure venues
Top 5 Dog Health Problems

Top 5 Dog Health Problems by: Chris Suckow Dog Owner’s commonly ask me the same questions repeatedly. This article aims to help dog owners prevent and find information about the most common dog health problems. Understanding the basics of thes...

Pets And Animals  pets animals common dogs questions veterinarian
Is Your Dog Safe In An Auto Accident?

This is the story how Toby met a policeman. One day, my car was rear ended at a very busy intersection near my home. The other driver was a very young man, only sixteen years old. He was very sweet, and had genuine tears for fear he had hurt me. As...

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