44 articles on "political"

Political Debate - A Means For Different Opponents To State Their Standpoint

Just what is a political debate? It is a means for different oppositions to state their viewpoint with the aim of converting the audience or reader to their viewpoint. There are various types of conundrums depending on the event. You will have public...

Government  government debate political discussions
2010 - Memorable and Forgettable Political Quotes From Our Politcians

As the year draws to an end I thought it would be a good idea to review some of the mostly inane quotes that our political class graced us with this past year. They are either memorable or forgettable but most of them are a sad commentary about the i...

Government  government political associated senator
Obama To Close Atlantic And Pacific Oceans?

In an effort to exert total control over all aspects of American life, high ranking far-left liberal members of the Obama administration and Congress are rumored to be holding secret talks among themselves regarding closing the oceans bordering the U...

Government  government oceans closing political reasons ocean american
The Dos and Don"ts of Making Political Signs

Making political signs is not an easy task at all as even if you have political agendas that need to be addressed, you cannot use it for the wrong reasons. Making such a sign is similar to making any other campaigning sign or hoarding but here only t...

Government  government signs political making from
Wisconsin Medicaid Cost Reductions - A Little Bit Of Good News On Government Spending

It does not happen often but every once in a while we come across an instance of a government entity actually reducing its costs and inefficiency when it comes to spending taxpayer money. A short article by Ryan Tracy in the August 23, 2010 issue of ...

Government  government politicians medicaid wisconsin political were
"Genuine Democracy" - What Would Obama Do If Tahrir Happened On The Mall In D.C.?

As most of now know, after more than two weeks of street demonstrations in and around Tahrir Square in Cairo, Hosni Mubarak has stepped down as the leader of Egypt and that a temporary, military-based government will step and rule in until democratic...

Government  government class political democracy americans freedom
The Intrigues of Political Debate

If you have ever entered into a political debate, you should understand that politics is usually intriguing, complicated but never easy. It's far too simplistic to try and categorize individuals as being on the political left or political right....

Government  government political debate usually right
EQ at the Office

Please feel free to distribute or reprint this article, keeping the bio line intact.Emotional intelligence means knowing how to get along. Playing too hard at the office is just as bad as refusing to play at all, studies show. Office politics is here...

Business And Finance  business finance people play office political success management means
Harvy Molotch and the Urban Growth Machine

Harvey Molotchs thesis, regarding the "urban development growth machine," has been used as a conceptual basis for some of the more influential political-economic studies on urban development. It remains, however, purely descriptive. While this perspe...

Environment  environment urban political perspective normative economy development
A Report Card On This Generation's American Politicians

As the first decade of this century comes to a close, I thought it would be a good idea to look back over the past twenty years to see how this generation's politicians have managed the affairs of the Federal government and the country. Twenty y...

Government  government years political politicians