135 articles on "pose"

How to Attract and Retain the Right People

In today's competitive business environment, attracting and retaining the right people is crucial for any organization that wants to succeed. The right people can help drive growth and innovation, while also improving efficiency and productivity. How...

Business And Finance  business finance purpose organization people company mission values
Can you create a company or department to fulfill your purpose

Have you ever thought about creating a company or department that would align with your purpose? Many people dream of starting their own business or organization that would allow them to make a significant impact on the world. But is it possible to f...

Business And Finance  business finance purpose tactics goals strategy would
Does Smoking Increase the Risk of Asbestos Related Lung Cancer?

There's no two ways about it - exposure to asbestos as well as smoking increase your risk of getting lung cancer. But is your risk increased if you smoke and have been exposed to asbestos? Read this article and find out the cold, hard facts. Fi...

Health  health asbestos cancer lung exposed mesothelioma
Every calling is great when greatly pursued

Living on purpose. It's a growing, evolving process.It takes focus, clarity and regular reflection. Here'sone story about a client's evolution and effort to stayon purpose.Paul is doing some incredible things. His businessbottom line i...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation purpose paul knowledge infection
Is your life’s purpose for sale

Is your life’s purpose for sale?There is no purpose too big or too smallBy Craig NathansonMeet Joe. He’s a middle-aged bridge toll-taker in the San Francisco Bay Area. In a recent interview, Joe said he loves the role he has filled for the last 1...

Business And Finance  business finance life meaning purpose greater
Leading from the Inside Out The Power of Deep Blue Leadership

Leading from the inside out is a concept of leadership that focuses on personal development and self-awareness as the foundation for effective leadership. It is an approach which emphasizes that the most effective leaders are those who have developed...

Business And Finance  business finance leadership identity vision organization purpose deep
Yoga For a Beginner

Yoga for a beginner is an exciting time when you start to discover all of the wonderful benefits that yoga has to offer. When you first begin yoga, there are several things you can do to make your experience positive.The following are ideas you might...

Health  health yoga beginner breathe pose body
Does Smoking Increase the Risk of Asbestos Related Lung Cancer?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been widely used for decades in various industries, such as construction and manufacturing. However, exposure to asbestos fibers can cause several health problems, including lung cancer and mesotheli...

Health  health asbestos cancer lung exposed mesothelioma
COMPLAIN to the FTC about spyware - April 19th, 04 hearing

Are you tired of spyware gathering information on you without your knowledge?This information is bought and sold. I can't imagine the weasals who do it have anything but nefarious purposes in mind. Protect your computer security. Speak up to the...

Computers And Internet  computers internet tired purposes hearing april comments email
The ‘Stand-Out’ Principle

The ‘Stand-Out’ Principle by: Paul Shearstone Think for a moment about all the people you know that Stand Out from their peers. Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky and Tiger Woods may come to mind. Singers like Madonna, Paul McCartney, Pavarotti, ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation stand goals purpose