69 articles on "procedure"

Top 7 Methods to Empower Employees

Top 7 Methods to Empower Employees by: Chris Anderson How many times have you asked someone to do something like “draw up a plan for such and such project”? Your employee completes the plan, but then you say, “That is not what I wanted” ...

Business And Finance  business finance manual policies procedures employees will
Gum Contouring And Its Effectiveness

Are you desperate looking for a skillful cosmetic dentist to solve your gummy smile? Dentist Los Angeles is here to take you through the procedure of gum contouring. Gum contorting is a procedure used to rectify the size and shape of your gum. This p...

Health  health procedure cosmetic laser blood painless contouring
Abortion Pill or Surgery: Making the Best Choice

If you are in the early stages and wish to end a pregnancy, the next question is to choose the kind of abortion that is right for you and your personal circumstances. This is of course, largely a matter of individual choice. More and more women are b...

Women  women abortion procedure surgical medical patients weeks
The Benefits of Hot Paraffin Waxing

Hot paraffin has been used since the times of the Romans and up to this day, it is still used in many massage therapies, waxing procedures and rehabilitation therapies. It is used in these procedures because of its therapeutic properties. Aside from ...

Women  women waxing paraffin skin procedures
Laser Liposuction - Newer Body, Less Pain

Liposuction is a common surgical procedure that removes fat from particular areas of the body in order to improve contour and overall appearance. Some common areas that are operated on are the abdomen, thighs, arms, chin, neck, calves, back and hips ...

Health  health liposuction laser skin procedure body
Lip Augmentation - The Raw Facts

Lip Augmentation - The Raw Facts by: J O'Neal Lip augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Last year, approximately 264,000 people underwent lip-plumping surgery. With fuller lips one can create a more youthful, vibrant ...

Women  women procedure lips material results anaesthesia collagen
Lip enhancement for plumper lips

LIP AUGMENTATION OR ENHANCEMENTLip augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Last year, approximately 264,000 people underwent lip-plumping surgery. With fuller lips one can create a more youthful, vibrant look. This is primarily a...

Women  women procedure results material collagen lips
Common Pitfalls of Plastic Surgery

Common Pitfalls of Plastic Surgery by: Matthew Leo Common pitfalls of plastic surgery are those involving before and after pictures with photographic tricks or attractive models instead of the surgeon's patients, that are publicly displayed...

Health  health plastic surgery surgeons surgeon surgeonaposs american procedures
Enteroscopy Examination For Irritable Bowel Syndrome - How to Prepare For the Procedure

Another procedure, which examines the small intestine, a very long area of small bowel located between the stomach and colon (large intestine) and made up of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The upper parts of the small intestine, the duodenum and j...

Health  health exam procedure usually drive intravenous prior small intestine
Early Abortion Options

The earlier a woman decides to have an abortion, the more options there will be available to her. Two options, both non-surgical, are the Abortion Pill and the Aspiration Procedure. Both are natural and safe methods for ending pregnancy. These earl...

Women  women abortion procedure aspiration methods pregnancy surgical medical