435 articles on "public"

50 Cents on the Dollar in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a tin-pot third world banana republic. There is extreme poverty everywhere and complete government mismanagement. Things have gotten even worse with the new president Leonel Fernandez. He has devalued the dollar by 50% and r...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure prices dollar poverty republic
If I Were Coaching You

If I Were Coaching You by: Robert A. Kelly If I were coaching you as a business, non-profit or association manager on how to get the biggest bang for your public relations dollar, I would sum it up for you this way. Use the fundamental premise ...

Business And Finance  business finance relations perception public behaviors audience
Reverse Merger Suicide

Reverse Merger SuicideByWilliam CatePublished December 2004[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/][http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) are between a rock and a har...

Business And Finance  business finance company public shares private reverse merger shell million
The Sickly State of Public Hospitals

Sickly State of Public Hospitals by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. There are many types of hospitals but the most well known are the Public Hospitals. What sets them apart is that they provide services to the indigent (people without means) and to minoritie...

Business And Finance  business finance hospitals public hospital services
Jobs in Public Relations - How to Succeed in Public Relations

Succeeding in public relation jobs are very subjective and vary from company to company and individual to another. But interestingly, the core values and competencies remain the same, however much the situation might vary. Successful public relation ...

Marketing  marketing relation public vary company spoken
Secrets To Successful Newsletter and Ezine Ads!

If you have been attempting to do business onlinethen more than likely you have tried free ad sites,banner exchange programs or perhaps even spam. Spam, of course, is a big no-no but all other formsof online advertising will bring various degrees ofs...

Marketing  marketing publications online newsletter those
TR Cutler, Inc. Announces the Sale of the Veterinary Practice Marketing Division

TR Cutler, Inc., the nation’s largest manufacturing PR and marketing firm, has sold the Veterinary Practice Marketing Division. Thomas R. Cutler, President & CEO of TR Cutler, Inc. (www.trcutlerinc.com) said that, “After serving 595 veterinary pr...

Business And Finance  business finance cutler marketing veterinary manufacturing practice editor public relations
Will Content Ever be Profitable?

Content Ever be Profitable? by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. THE CURRENT WORRIES 1. Content Suppliers The Ethos of Free Content Content Suppliers is the underprivileged sector of the Internet. They all lose money (even sites which offer basic, standardi...

Computers And Internet  computers internet content medium public
Eligibility to Become a Public Notary in Florida

A notary public is a public official with high level of trust and faith. A notary public witnesses a person's signature on different types of documents, thus verifying that the person did undeniably sign the paper with his or her own free will w...

Legal  legal notary public state states professional
Smashing the Myth of the Press Release

hing the Myth of the Press Release by: Bill Stoller A musician spends years honing his craft. He writes world-class songs and performs them in a manner that moves his listeners to tears. He records a demo tape and sends it to record labels. He g...

Marketing  marketing release press itaposs publicity story just