49 articles on "publication"

To Outsource or Not to Outsource

To Outsource or Not to Outsource by: Valerie Swisher In these days of restricted head count and tight budgets, the question of whether to outsource or hire in-house staff is more critical than ever. The technical publications function, however v...

Business And Finance  business finance work technical writer publications cost time
Understanding Editorial Guidelines

Understanding Editorial Guidelines by: Bonnie Jo Davis Editorial guidelines, also known as writer's guidelines, are the rules set forth by publishers for contributing authors. In order to have your article taken seriously you must review th...

Writing  writing article publications publication articles guidelines some
To Outsource or Not to Outsource

Outsourcing has always been a controversial topic in the business world. The idea of hiring another company to do a job that was previously done in-house can be a daunting decision for any business owner. There are many factors to consider, including...

Business And Finance  business finance work technical writer publications cost time
12 Point Checklist for Writing Feature Articles

1. Have you selected your intended subject topic and carefully planned out your idea?2. Have you sent your idea query pitch to magazines or newspapers who may be interested? or will you write "on spec"?With many magazines and newspapers now accepting...

Writing  writing article feature checked publication sending everything
Same Time Next Year Using Editorial Calendars as Part of your PR Efforts

It's the time of year when calendars crowd out the books and magazines in bookstores and are even on sale at reduced prices. But there’s a special kind of calendar that all good public relations professionals use – the editorial calendar. Ac...

Marketing  marketing calendars editorial donapost cherry magazines publications
Understanding Editorial Guidelines

As writers, we have all encountered editorial guidelines at some point. Editorial guidelines are essential rules and regulations that a publication or company sets up for writers. These guidelines outline the standards and expectations for content an...

Writing  writing article publications publication articles guidelines some
Editorial Calendars: A Key to Business Publicity

orial Calendars: A Key to Business Publicity by: Bill Stoller Editorial Calendars: A Key to Publicizing Your Business by: Bill Stoller, Publisher Free Publicity, The Newsletter for PR-Hungry Businesses http://www.PublicityInsider.com/freepub.asp...

Marketing  marketing editorial calendars publications find
Public Relations — A Free Lunch?

Public Relations — A Free Lunch? by: Claire Cunningham Seems like everyone is looking for the proverbial free lunch these days, particularly when it comes to marketing communications. Well, I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but there'...

Marketing  marketing publication releases case credibility
Secrets Of Getting Free Advertising

Secrets Of Getting Free Advertising by: Jason Barrow The opportunities for getting free advertising for your product or services are limited only by your own imagination and energies. There are so many proven ways of promoting your own objective...

Marketing  marketing space publications
Editorial Calendars A Key to Publicizing Your Business

Editorial Calendars: A Key to Publicizing Your Businessby: Bill Stoller, PublisherFree Publicity, The Newsletter for PR-Hungry Businesseshttp://www.PublicityInsider.com/freepub.aspWhat is the one thing that all of the best public relationsagencies do...

Marketing  marketing editorial calendars publicity publications newsletter